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Painting on a Layer

You can add a Paint operator to a single layer. You do this when you need to retouch a portion of one layer within a composite, create text effects on one layer, or add any kind of drawing or animation effects to a layer.

You can also use Paint operators to select or mask areas of a layer.

Note: You can put the Paint operator directly on a layer; you do not need to make a Paint layer using the New Layer menu command.

To follow this procedure, you must first create (or open) a composite in combustion that includes at least one layer.

To paint on a single layer in a composite:
  1. Select the layer upon which you want to paint in the Workspace panel, Timeline, or viewport.
  2. Choose Operators | Paint.
  3. The layer is loaded into Paint. A Paint operator appears under the selected layer in the Workspace panel.

  4. Show the Toolbar to access the drawing tools. You are ready to begin painting. For information on using the Paint drawing tools, see Creating Paint Objects.
  5. When you have finished painting, you can return to the composite by clicking the Back button, or by double-clicking the Composite operator in the Workspace panel.
  6. Note: You can return to the Paint operator at any time to make changes to the Paint objects. To do so, double-click the Paint operator in the Workspace panel.

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