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Importing and Exporting LUTs

You can import and export the LUT files. These files are compatible with the LUT files for Discreet SGI-based systems. For example, you can use combustion LUT files when working on the same film material on flame. A LUT file is an ASCII file with the .lut file extension.

To export a LUT setup:
  1. Click Export.
  2. The Export LUT Setup dialog appears.

  3. Navigate to the location you want to save the file, then enter a filename.
  4. It is helpful to add the bit depths to the name. For example, if the LUT is used for converting 8-bit to 10-bit, you can name the file mylut.8to10.lut.

  5. Click Save.
  6. The Choose Pixel Depths dialog appears.

  7. The Input Depth and Output Depth are set to the current settings in the LUT Editor. Usually, you should just click OK.
  8. Note: If the settings are not what you expected, you can change them or click Cancel and return to the LUT Editor to make changes. The choices for both lists are 8, 10, 12, and 16 bit (not Float).

    The file is saved with the .lut file extension. When you save the file, the inverse LUT file is also saved automatically.

To import a LUT setup:
  1. Click Import.
  2. The Import LUT Setup dialog appears.

  3. Navigate to the file you want to import. The file must have the .lut file extension.
  4. It is easier to find the correct file if the name includes the bit depths. For example, if the LUT is used for converting 8-bit to 10-bit, the file might be named mylut.8to10.lut.

  5. Click Open.
  6. The file is loaded and the settings change accordingly.

    Warning: Since LUT files contain the input and output bit depths that the file was intended for, the output bit depth in the file is used for the Output Color Depth list in the Settings controls. If you picked the wrong file, it changes the Output Color Depth. It cannot affect the input depth, however; you still must make the input match also.

For example, if you are using Float output, and import a LUT with 10-bit output, the curve switches to 10-bit by default. You can reset it back to Float manually.

If the input bit depths are mismatched, then the LUT will scale the LUT input bit depth to match the bitmap input bit depth.

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