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Modifying Spotlights

Spotlights differ slightly from point and distant lights in that they emit a beam of light in a specific direction (rather than projecting light in all directions).

You can customize the size of the beam using the Cone Angle field and change the diffuseness, or softness, of the edge using the Soft Edge field.

To modify a spotlight:
  1. Select the light. See Selecting Lights.
  2. Click Light in the Composite Controls panel.
  3. The Light controls appear.

  4. To adjust the angle of the cone of light, adjust the Cone Angle field.
  5. To create a spotlight with more diffuse, or blurred edges, increase the Soft Edge value. To create a spotlight with very hard, defined edges, decrease the Soft Edge value.
  6. Note: Cone Angle and Soft Edge are ignored if the current light is not a spotlight.

    The selected light is changed and the viewports refresh automatically to reflect your changes.

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