This website was designed by the company Multilab, of Roberto Palmas.

Thanks to:
Alessia Massari, Giacomo Baldazzi, Carolyn Kadas and Alberto Severi (for english translation), Franco Dell'Amore, Lorenzo Baldacchini, Antonio Maraldi, Franco Farnedi, Roberto Zammarchi, Maurizio Benvenuti and litografia SILA in Cesena, Carlo Balestri, Riccardo Chiesa, Ivano Giovannini, Giancarlo Rocchi, Bruno Evangelisti, Giovanni and Piero Bettini, Gianni Babbi, Carlotta Mattei, Luca Santarelli, Marco Capelli, Fabrizio Baccarin, The Malatestiana Library in Cesena, The San Biagio Cinema Center in Cesena and Palmas' family.

The website is dedicated to Giuseppe Palmas, Fernanda Amadori and to Dora and Bartolomeo Barberini.

"Thus today I feel that I have accomplished a mission, perhaps presumptuously, of giving Giuseppe Palmas an aura of immortality, the immortality of artists who continue to live in their works. "

Questa pagina in Italiano

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For info-contact prints-orders
Roberto Palmas (Italy) tel.+39 348 4110508 fax+39 0547 22997 email:

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