
About us

The Parmigiano-Reggiano

Our products


We have decided to launch this site in order to promote and sell a product that is very close to our hearts with which we share our everyday life, Parmigiano-Reggiano. Like all good Emilians we appreciate parmegiano-reggiano, it is the king of our table, we know how important the pleasure of good cuisine is and more than anyone we know the secrets of this exquisite cheese as for some it is just there and for others it is their life. We know many creameries but we are not linked to any of them. We are not producers, therefore we are not selling you our product. We select the finest on the market carefully choosing one by one especially for you as each one has its own characteristics depending on the fodder, the milk used, the place where matured and above all, the farmer's contribution and production methods. As with great wines no bottle is the same as another, in this case too each way is individual and has its own identity. We are therefore sure we will be able to serve the best parmegiano-reggiano to your table. Who better than us who are from Emilia and that every day are in contact with the traditional producers can make a better choice for you?

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E-mail: info@parmigiano.it