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SARO' GRANDE- WILL BE GROWN UP. A didactic guidebook for the infant school.  8 didactic projects with approximately 300 examples of operative cards by Annalisa Pederzani Plattard. Pages 444. Euro 58,00.  The idea of the previous guidebook "I ..." A didactic guidebook for teachers of infant school, published by Marius Edizioni srl, of a child as an active subject of the school life, is resumed and enlarged here. Sarò grande

ENGLISH... ABC-123. First approach to the English language. Gina Lanzi-Susan Mill. Pages 86. Euro 9,00. ENGLISH... ABC - 123 is an initial approach to the English language and drills children, like a game, with the basic language skills: sounds, words and the simplest expressions and structures. English... ABC-123

A SCUOLA GIOCANDO-PLAYING AT SCHOOL. A guidebook for the infant school - 6 didactic units with over 180 examples of operative cards by Rosanna Basso Bentivegna. Pages 242. Euro 28,00. This didactic guidebook is designed for all those people who operate or are going to operate in educational environments.  It is easily structured and practical to look up, and can be also used by people who are interested in the methodology and the didactics proposed in the infant school (i.e., parents, ...), who can more easily take part in their children's school life. A scuola giocando

L'ABECEDARIO DELL'ASILO NIDO-THE PRIMER OF THE DAY NURSERY. Children towards the infant school.  A didactic guidebook by Mauro Cervellati. Pages 196. Euro 20,00. A day nursery is undoubtedly a sign of civilization by adults towards children.  It is above all a cultural investment, because believing in a nursery school training model, not only in a welfare model, creates a better community. L'abecedario dell'asilo nido

TE NE DICO DI TUTTI I COLORI (INTERCULTURA) -I AM LETTING LOOSE (INTERCULTURE) . Reflections and didactic courses for an intercultural education. Edited by Andreina Bergonzoni. Euro 18,08. Te ne dico di tutti i colori

L'INGLESE ALLA SCUOLA DELL'INFANZIA-ENGLISH AT THE INFANT SCHOOL .It is never too early! Nives Garuti/Daniela Guerzoni. Euro 15,00. A didactic guidebook on the teaching of the English language to the children of the infant school. L'inglese alla scuola dell'infanzia

OCCHIO ALLA QUALITA'-CAREFUL WITH QUALITY!  Observing and assessing the contexts to improve the infant school by Leonarda R. Santeramo. Euro 15,00. A didactic guidebook on how the school context in the infant school should be assessed. Occhio... alla qualità

GULP... ABC. According to the "experience fields".  An inception to the reading and writing activities according to the experience fields in the infant school.  An operative book by Maria Luisa Perciavalle. Euro 6,50. All the activities proposed in Gulp... ABC, which is the documentation of an educational project that was actually implemented in the infant school with five year old children, are a detailed training plan to writing and reading. Gulp... ABC

GULP... 123. According to the "experience fields".  An inception to the logical-mathematical activities according to the experience fields in the infant school. An operative book by Maria Luisa Perciavalle. Euro 6,50. Gulp... 123 proposes a detailed plan of the activities to drill the logical operations that form the base of the concept of number. Gulp... 123

"IO..." ("I...") by Agnese Martinelli: A full global education course in 3 books: book for 3 year-old children Euro 7.23 - 72 pages / book for 4 year-old children Euro 8.26 - 96 pages / book for 5 year-old children Euro 9.29 - 144 pages. The books are fully illustrated and require the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc.  Io... a 3/4/5 anni

BAMBINI DEL 2000 (CHILDREN OF THE YEAR 2000) by Franco Sguerzi. A full global education course in 3 books: book for 3 year-old children Euro 7.23 - 72 pages / book for 4 year-old children Euro 7.75 - 96 pages / book for 5 year-old children Euro 8.78 - 120 pages. The books are fully illustrated and require the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc.  Bambini del 2000 3/4/5 anni

GUIDA - BAMBINI DEL 2000 Itinerari didattici per la libertà progettuale dei docenti (CHILDREN OF THE YEAR 2000 ­ GUIDEBOOK ­ Didactic Courses for Teacher's Free Planning) by Franco Sguerzi. A teacher's guidebook relevant to a full global education course for 3-5 year-old children. Euro 18.08 - 128 pages. It complements the collection of children's books of the same name by the same writer and publisher. Guida Bambini del 2000

ZIG ZAG... Prelettura-Prescrittura-Precalcolo (ZIGZAG... Prereading ­ Prewriting ­ Precounting) by Luisa Bellini. A book for 5 year-old children, who are led to learn the basics of writing, reading, and counting. Euro 8.68 - 120 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc.  Zig zag... Prelettura, prescrittura, precalcolo

ATTIVITA' Per i bambini (ACTIVITIES for Children) by Annalisa Pederzani. A full global education course in 3 books: / book for 3 year-old children Euro 5.42 - 64 pages / book for 4 year-old children Euro 7.08 - 96 pages / book for 5 year-old children Euro 8.16 - 128 pages. The books are fully illustrated and require the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. Attività per i bambini di 3/4/5 anni

"IO..." Guida per insegnanti di scuola dell'infanzia ("I " A Guidebook for Pre-school Teachers) by Annalisa Pederzani. A teacher's guidebook relevant to a full global education course for 3-5 year-old children. A richly illustrated 832-page book Euro 46.48. It contains 14 didactic projects and 300+illustrative graphic cards. Io... Guida per insegnanti della scuola dell'infanzia

CANTI E ATTIVITA' Per i bambini (SONGS AND ACTIVITIES for Children) by Marius editorial staff. Euro 7.13. A teacher's guidebook with didactic suggestions according to the music pieces ­ 64 pages. An (enclosed) music tape with original songs relevant to the most significant events of the school year. Side A ­ full songs (music + singing). Side B ­ Music base (music only, to facilitate children's singing).  Canti e attività

COLORI con Cappuccetto Rosso (COLORS with Little Red Riding Hood) by Verilde Cadei. A book for 3/5 year-old children about color learning and with references to the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. Euro 7.13 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. Colori con Cappuccetto Rosso

PREGRAFISMO con Aladino (PRE-GRAPHICS with Aladdin) by Verilde Cadei. A book for 3/5 year-old children on learning graphics and with references to Aladdin's tale. Euro 7.13 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc.  Pregrafismo con Aladino

VERIFICA insieme al Gatto con gli stivali (CHECK with Puss in Boots) by Verilde Cadei. A book for 3/5 year-old children intended to teach the typical skills of that age and with references to the tale of Puss in Boots. Euro 7.13 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. Verifica insieme al Gatto con gli stivali

Vl RACCONTO LA MIA STORIA (LET ME TELL YOU MY STORY) by Alessandra Clausi-Schettini. A book for 4/5 year-old children, who are led to reconstruct their emotional story. Euro 6.61 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc.  Vi racconto la mia storia

ABC Secondo i "campi di esperienza" (ABC Divided by "Field of Experience") by Giuseppina Vandoni. A book for 5 year-old children, who are led to learn the basics of reading and writing. Euro 6.61 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. ABC

123 Secondo i "campi di esperienza" (123 Divided by "Field of Experience") by Giuseppina Vandoni. A book for 5 year-old children, who are led to learn the basics of counting. Euro 6.61 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. 123

SCHEDE Dl VERIFICA (CHECK CARDS) by Alessandra Clausi-Schettini. A book for 3/5 year-old children intended to teach the typical skills of that age. Euro 6.61 - 64 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. Schede di verifica

SCACCIANOIA (BOREDOM KILLER) by Alessandra Clausi-Schettini. A book for 3/5 year-old children intended to teach the environments and the seasons. Euro 8.26 - 96 pages. The book is fully illustrated and requires the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. Scaccianoia

PAGINE PER IL BAMBINO Secondo i "campi di esperienza" (PAGES FOR CHILDREN Divided by "Field of Experience") by Rosanna Bentivegna. A full global education course in 3 books: book for 3 year-old children Euro 5.32 - 64 pages / book for 4 year-old children Euro 7.75 - 96 pages / book for 5 year-old children Euro 9.09 - 128 pages. The books are fully illustrated and require the chidren's active and operative use: coloring, drawing, cutting, reading, playing, telling, etc. Pagine per il bambino di 3/4/5 anni

GUIDA-PAGINE PER IL BAMBINO Secondo i "campi di esperienza" (PAGES FOR THE CHILD Divided by "Field of Experience" - GUIDEBOOK) by Rosanna Bentivegna. A teacher's guidebook relevant to a full global education course for 3-5 year-old children. Euro 24.79 - 416 pages. It complements the collection of children's books of the same name by the same writer and publisher.  Guida Pagine per il bambino