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  I commenti qui pubblicati ci sono pervenuti da subacquei PADI che hanno avuto il piacere di ricevere un servizio ineccepibile ed una formazione fuori dall’ordinario da parte di Membri PADI. Siamo onorati di esprimere a questi Membri PADI tutta la nostra approvazione, pubblicando in questa sede i commenti ricevuti.  
  Giacomo Falzi mi ha introdotto nel meraviglioso mondo subacque con professionalita, sicurezza e competenza, entusiasmandomi e facendomi divertire ad ogni immersione, non vedo l’ora che apra un suo centro subacqueo per poter provare nuove esperienze!

Stefano Nicosia, Italy
  Giacomo Falzi No. 942 050, Italy
  Nella mia carriera di subacqueo ho avuto modo di avere diversi Istruttori e numerosi
Punti di riferimento educativi, sia in Italia che all’estero. Ma la professionalità dimostrata dal Master Instructor 31614 Paolo Quaratino durante il periodo di addestramento Divemaster prima, e di Assistente Istruttore poi, ha indotto in me la voglia di diventare membro di una famiglia più grande, e soprattutto la voglia di spingermi agli apici della carriera PADI.

Riccardo Piccioli
No. 950 277, Italy
  Paolo Quarantino No. 31 614, Italy

PADI Course Director Stefano Fei e PADI Course Director / Examiner Yme Carsana
Non sono passate nemmeno 24 ore dalla fine dell'IE di Santa Margherita Ligure che già si pensa al futuro.
Come Istruttore Staff però non posso non soffermarmi un attimo per "riprendere fiato" e fare il bilancio di questa esperienza che giudico senz'altro positiva per me e per i "miei" candidati ora diventati Istruttori.
Per cominciare quindi voglio ringraziare e pubblicamente elogiare il CD STEFANO FEI al quale vanno i miei più sentiti complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro di preparazione dei candidati in tutte le aree e gli ambiti dell'IDC. La sua competenza, la sua disponibilità e professionalità credo vadano ben oltre le qualità richieste ad un CD; e tutto questo si traduce in stimoli ed obiettivi per le persone che ha di fronte e che con lui hanno la fortuna di lavorare.
Proseguendo poi un elogio particolare a YME CARSANA. Personalmente, tra gli IE che ho vissuto in prima persona ed indirettamente accompagnando i miei candidati, l'ultimo si distingue certamente per l'eccezionale clima distensivo instaurato.
Posso confermare che, pur essendo i candidati sempre sotto pressione, IME ha saputo rendere questo IE come una prova si d'esame rigorosa ma condotta con professionalità, disponibilità, simpatia. Il miglior esempio per tutti i candidati e per gli Staff come me che hanno fatto tesoro di quento dimostrato.
Ancora una volta, si è riusciti a conciliare ricreatività con professionalità.
... e io ho tre nuovi istruttori.

  Silvio De Blasio, MI#911407

Questa mail è per raccontarvi un sogno realizzato.
Mi chiamo Alessandra, ho 30 anni e un gran desiderio: prendere un brevetto per potermi immergere.
Nulla di strano finora, direte voi. Ma io un piccolo problema in realtà ce l'ho. Da bambina sono stata colpita da poliomielite e, nonostante io cammini, le mie gambe non sono proprio al top dell'efficenza.
Il mio corpo muscolarmente non è tonico ed affidabile al 100%, la mia gamba sinistra presenta anche qualche deficit muscolare al quadricipite anteriore, con conseguenti difficoltà di movimento.
E così il mio sogno sembrava destinato a non avverarsi mai! Alcuni amici hanno preso diversi brevetti, così ai loro racconti, la mia voglia cresceva, ma la paura era ancora troppo forte. Non mi sentivo all'altezza di frequentare un corso "regolare" con persone "regolari" al cui confronto mi sarei sentita poco capace. Pensavo di non farcela, che servisse un corpo perfetto per essere un buon sub, finchè un giorno ho accompagnato degli amici al DC San Fruttuoso di Santa Margherita Ligure ed è nata la mia avventura. Dopo un colloquio di verifica della mia situazione e un primo briefing con alcuni istruttori, mi è stata proposta una immersone di prova.
Non potevo crederci! Così ho messo da parte un po' di paura e ho provato! Voi non avete idea (o forse sì ?!) di cosa ho provato a trovarmi a respirare e muovermi sott'acqua.
L'istruttore mi è stato accanto, mi ha aiutato a scendere, a stabilizzarmi, a muovermi. Io mi sono sentita felice, ma le difficoltà mi sembravano ancora troppe.

Il mio corpo non rispondeva proprio come io mi sarei aspettata. Così sono uscita dall'acqua convinta che la mia avventura fosse terminata... così non fu.

L'istruttore dopo l'immersione di prova mi ha preso da parte e ha cominciato a chiacchierare con me per verificare la mia reale intenzione a fare un corso e la sua reale fattibilità. Mi sono fatta convincere dalla competenza che ho sentito in lui e dall'umiltà con la quale mi ha detto che avremmo imparato insieme il modo migliore per me di andare sott'acqua.

Abbiamo concordato che mi avrebbe seguito individualmente, mi sono fidata, non aveva svalutato nè ingigantito difficoltà e così siamo partiti.
Ah, il mio istruttore si chiama LUGARESI STEFANO, IDC STAFF INSTRUCTOR N 929155, ed è il mio angelo custode nel blu.

Mi sento al sicuro quando lavoro con lui, mi incoraggia quando riesco e mi sgrida quando uso la mia paura per non riuscire. Durante il corso ho apprezzato la sua preparazione tecnica, la professionalità, ma anche la grande disponibilità a investire tempo con me, a studiare nuove strategie per rendermi le cose più semplici possibili, ad acoltare le mie ansie. Di lui sto apprezzando l'infinita calma nel gestire il panico che mi prende quando non controllo la situazione intorno a me, l'infinita pazienza nel farmi ripetere gli esercizi finchè lui non è soddisfatto e io non mi sento sicura.
So che lui non ama sentirselo dire, ma io credo sia grazie a lui che prenderò il brevetto, perchè mi sento veramente al sicuro e sto imparando molte "malizie" che rendono unico il mio modo di essere sub, anche grazie all'energia che il mio istruttore mette con me. Con questa mail voglio ringraziare lui, per la persona che è, ma anche dire grazie alla vostra organizzazione che forma professionisti così competenti, capaci e completi con i quali è un piacere "andar per mare" .

grazie per l'attenzione
Alessandra Marello


  In dieser Tauchfamilie kann ich mich heute um die Skindiver kümmern und diese ausbilden. Dabei habe ich mit Thomas Fleischer eine hervorragende Zusammenarbeit und kann an seiner Seite und und über Wasser ihn bei seinen Ausbildungsgruppen zuschauen und bei Bedarf unterstützen. Die didaktischen Feinheiten seiner Ausbildung versuche ich mir gerade anzueignen und bin froh, in dem Ausbildungssystem von PADI von so einem guten Instructor unterstützt zu werden.

Susanne Marx
No. 947 551, Germany
  Thomas Fleischer No. 929 311, Germany
  Aber insbesondere ist mir während des IDC John Nielsen aufgefallen, der sich weit über das normale Mass hinaus um die etwas "langsameren" Kandidaten (wie mich :-) ) gekümmert hat, bis auch diese soweit waren, dass sie den IE mit Bravur bestehen konnten.
Ob mit Theorieproblemen, Tipps bei den Lehrproben oder bei den Skill Presentations, Probleme mit der Ausrüstung - oder einfach mit den Nerven - John hat immer Zeit und Geduld für uns gehabt. Ohne ihn wäre mir im IDC sicherlich einiges schwerer gefallen.
  John Nielsen 931947
  Ich war vom 28.04. - 05.05 2000 bei Oliver Priegnitz CD#37551, zum IDC Staff und war so sehr von der Ausbildung begeistert, dass ich jetzt vom 29.10. - 06.11.2000 zum Staffen bei ihm war. Es können viele Worte auch nicht mehr sagen, deshalb kurz: "eine erstklassige Ausbildung!" vielen Dank #923431 Marion"
  Oliver Priegnitz, MI#37551, Duisburg, Deutschland
  Früher lebte ich ein wenig nach dem Motto "Sport ist Mord" . Heute gehe ich regelmässig im Hallenbad trainieren um an meiner Kondition für das Tauchen zu arbeiten. Dies habe ich meinem Instructor Wilfried Fischer #910410 zu verdanken, der mich auch sehr einfühlsam an die Materie Freiwasser gebracht hat. Ich habe auch gleich noch den AOWD angehängt trotz 400km Fahrtstrecke. Auch im Tauchcenter DIVE-CORNER , Hannover #9670 wurde ich kompetent beraten und mit Problemen nicht im Stich gelassen. In punkto Service arbeiten sie vorbildlich.
  Helmuth Schuh, Nienhorst, Deutschland.
  Auf diesem Weg möchte ich nochmal bei menem PADI Instructor Michael Böhm (Tauchzentrale Berlin Brandenburg) für die freundliche und vor allem kompetente Betreuung bei meinem OWD bedanken. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass man sich unter Wasser so sicher fühlen kann. Selbst beim Maskenabnehmen im Freiwasser fühlte ich mich mit Michael an der Seite sicher und sehr gut aufgehoben. Vielen Dank nochmal!
  Michael Böhm, OWSI#937169, von der Tauchzentrale Berlin Brandenburg S-9697, Deutschland
  Als begeisterter PADI Taucher möchten wir gerne unserem Tauchlehrer Jürgen Wildenauer eine ganz besondere Empfehlung aussprechen: Wenn ein Tauchlehrer es schafft, dass man: · Beim Theorieunterricht nicht nur an die Pausen denkt · Beim ersten Tieftauchgang nicht nur denkt "ich will hier raus!!" · Beim Suchen die richtigen Muster zum Bergen findet · Beim Wiederbeleben den "Tank" nicht verliert, dann hat man bestimmt bei Jürgen das Tauchen "gelernt"! Wir fühlen uns von Anfang an bei Jürgen sehr gut augenhoben und werden sicherlich noch einige PADI Tauchkurse bei ihm absolvieren.
  Jürgen Wildenauer, MSDT#901886, aus Marxzell-Pfaffenrot, Deutschland
  Ich möchte einige anerkennende Worte über meinen Ausbilder, Herrn Peter Jaksch, aussprechen. Ihm ist es letztlich gelungen mich zu zertifizieren, obwohl ich schon mitten im Kurs drauf und dran war aufzugeben. Er nimmt seine Stellung ausl Tauchlehrer sehr ernst und achtet sehr auf Sicherheit. Er ist auch ein guter Lehrer und kann den Stoff sehr gut rüberbringen, mit vielen Beispielen aus seiner Praxis. Es war eine Freude mit ihm zusammen zuarbeiten und er würde für seinen Einsatz überhaupt eine Urkunde verdienen.
  Peter Jaksch, MI#915134, aus München, Deutschland
  Hanno is such a wonderful instructor. He was relaxed, but serious and critical in a positive, pleasant manner. His critics/remarks after each presentation (Knowledge development, Confined Water and Open Water) were very constructive and detailed and helped all of us smoothly through the pretty intensive course. It was more than great to have such an inspiring mentor or coach! His collegues at ESKO were also very helpful and customer-oriented. They sure deserve some positive attention in Member News or whatever.

Diana te Dam, Netherlands
  Hanno Weima No. 912 593, Netherlands
  Bernade Jorge Toledo , he has provide a positive environment within the shool . He has shown patience at all time and given me as much time as I have needed to master my skills and I have not felt I have been pushed though any course . Bernabe always shows the same respect, professionalism and kindness to all.

Edward Davies
No. 622 330
  Bernabe Jorge Toledo No. 926 162
  Dear Sirs

I have just returned from I.T. college at Cannes la Bocca where I had the privilege to attend an I.D.C. and an i.e. hosted by Daniela Goldstein and Jan Oldenhuizing.

I think I may speak for the whole group of attendees in saying that Daniela and Jan did everything in their power to make us feel welcome, comfortable and well looked after. although the program had its challenges and was demanding at times we never were given the impression that this was not fun - to the contrary - the aspect of fun and enjoyment was brought across so many times during the day that we could not not enjoy it.

sadly as with all good things the I.D.C. culminated in the i.e. and we all had to leave for home. the fact that so many of us were still hanging around the day after is a testament to the enthusiasm with which not only Daniela and Jan but also their staff instructors Steve Debenath, John Nielsson and Daniel Haugg were going about their day-to-day business, namely not treating it as a business but as a passion.

What else can I say - I would always go back and J will


Stefan Arnswald 949344
  IT College, Cannes la Bocca, France
  “They take their responsibilities very seriously, both below and above water. The dive masters don’t just lead you around the bottom of the sea, but take it upon themselves to improve your diving techniques, always gently & without being in the least bit pushy. The hire kit, although I did not use it, looked clean and in excellent condition. Despite their workload, they always have time to chat and answer questions, and all this is achieved with happy, smiling faces.”
Lilian Randell, Advanced Open Water Diver:
  Atoll Diving Center S-9262, Bonifacio, Corsica
  Mr. De Marzo took me as his student when other dive shops rejected me as too old. He quietly, slowly, and deliberately led me through the certification skills. At times he had the patience of Job coupled with good cheer and a "can do" attitude - at other times, as needed, he could be as strict disciplinarian with a straight-forward, no nonsense attitude. There was no question, however, that he had a plan of instruction that he followed throughout our lessons. Since my certification I have had the opportunity to observe Mr. De Marzo with other classes, both novice and master level divers. One characteristic that came through most clearly was his high level of professionalism. His deep love of diving was crystal clear. At the same time this love was moderated by a great respect for and insistence of the rules and regulations that make the diving safe while simultaneously enjoyable. He obviously had a plan for each dive that included multiple goals and objectives. Further, he set high standards both for his students and for himself.
Mr. De Marzo also has the strong personality needed to be a leader of leaders. He clearly radiates knowledge, confidence, skill, and stability. His enthusiasm is contagious and people believe they will be successful under his tutelage.
  Michael De Marzo, MSDT#46964, Eco Adventures, 5 Stars IDC, S-2497, Kona Hawaii USA
  I must first say that highest praise is due to all associated with the center. It is a "family" operation, and I was made feel a part of that family. Wayne Clark and his wife, Monique Bisenberger, are the two instructors at Jamaqua. Monique's father Rudy, started the shop years ago and remains an active asset as the "official" underwater videographer, boat and engine repair service, etc. No small part of the family is Monique's mother who tends to much of the retail and commercial aspects of the business. Each of the members of this family made my experiences what they were and brought about my complete satisfaction. My training was conducted primarily by Wayne. His appearance and manner were exactly what I would hope for in a PADI professional. Wayne presented me with opportunity to participate in additional sessions assisting with students in the pool and open water, preparing and giving dive briefings, and leading local dives. He also supported my desires for pleasure dives by arranging boat dives with one of the shop divemasters even in instances when I was the only diver. Wayne and everyone at Jamaqua are deserving of great credit and recognition for their exemplary representation of PADI at its very best. I met and came to know a wonderful instructor, PADI professional, and a valued friend. Perhaps the highest compliment I can pay Wayne is to say that I would trust my teenaged daughter to him for training.
  Wayne Clark, MSDT#37750, at Jamaqua Dive Centre, S-2149, 5Stars, Runaway Bay St. Anns, Jamaica
  I would just like to drop a note to say a big thank you to Rene Bos #901318, Jan Jaap Zeiger#906324 and Chris Drummond #926536 for their help non my IDC and IE. Tough I was unsuccessful on the IE, I feel the efforts of all of the above went a long way to helping me overcome this set back. I particulary liked the time and effort that each of them took counselling me on my future diving career. Andrew Spencer #81135, the owner of Club Nautique organised the whole event and his input to the IDC, in my view he has brought a very positive change to diving at Marina Del Este. Again many thanks to all of the above who in my belief are a credit to PADI.
  Rene Bos,#901318; Jan Zeiger#906324; Chris Drummond#926536, Andrew Spencer#81135, at Club Nautique, S-2940, 5 Star IDC, Grenada, Spain
  Laura Scott is a legend here on Maui and held in the highest regard throughout the entire island by the diving community. I was telling my friends that I was taking the plunge and I was invariably asked how did I get Laura Scott, she is the best on the island and almost impossible to get. After a summer of dive instruction with Laura as my trainer I came away with the same respect that many others have for her. I feel totally confident that I have received the best possible education from the most competent of instructors. She always made herself available to students after normal hours to tutor them on some of the more difficult aspects of the math. Her vast diving experience and the antidotes that were interjected into the class were always a welcome and gave everyone added insight into the problems and possibilities and the fun of scuba.
  Laura Scott, MI#19224, Lahaina Divers, Gold Palm, S-36, Maui, HI USA
  In August I learnt to dive from an excellent instructor Ricardo Gutierrez. The first day was not easy, I felt overwhelmed with all the equipment that I needed to assemble and check, as well as the logistics of getting in and out of the water. Ricardo was always calm and helpful. He did not rush me through the exercises letting me to take time learning the basics.
On the other hand, I developed the trust that in case of my mistakes he was there to help. After the Open Water certification I followed up with Advanced Open water. After that, I also took a Deep Specialty. Ricardo provided excellent instructions in all these courses. While diving, he suggested to take some underwater pictures. I really appreciated this idea. Now, that I'm back at the office and have a chance to show the photos, they are generating a very strong interest.
Great thanks to Ricardo for introducing me to the wonderful world of diving and to the Aqua Safari staff for being very professional and friendly.
  Ricardo Gutierrez, MSDT#89885, Aqua Safari, S-1064, 5 Stars IDC, Cozumel, Mexico
  Dear Sirs,
I just came back from a diving trip to Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, where I took a Medic First Aid and a Rescue Diver course with instructor Simon Harris, OWSI 611524,who entirely took care of both courses: despite being very young, his attentiveness, care and friendship made the hard work involved easier to go through and he certainly deserves some kind of official recognition.
Always thankful for the quality of attention I receive from PADI.
Best regards,
  Simon Harris, OWSI#611524, Sinai Dive Club, S-2506, Naama Bay, Egypt.
  I recently returned from a trip up to Iceland. Being a PADI diver I checked your web site before I left and was put into contact with S-5157.
Tomas sent me information before I left then arranged to meet me at my hotel, and took me diving to my choice of location even though his shop was closed for renovations at the time.
I was most impressed by his friendliness, knowledge of the local dive sites, and obvious interest in making sure my dive was memorable. The work he spoke of with his Blue Army doing harbour cleanup showed a dedication to diving in his home that is enviable.
I just wanted to take a moment of your time to register a compliment about this wonderful man and shop.
  Simon Harris, OWSI#611524, Sinai Dive Club, S-2506, Naama Bay, Egypt.
  I'd like to take a moment to commend our two instructors, Patrix Heschel and Robert Yingling for a job well done. In addition to their obvious love of the sport, both gentlemen exhibited professionalism and a strong commitment to PADI. They offered encouragement every step of the way. Both were knowledgeable about regulations, technical aspects of various diving environments and equipment. They made the class fun and enjoyable as well, which I feel is very important to the learning process. I would also like to commend the New Wave dive shop in Port Clinton for hiring these two fine men. Rod, at New Wave, was extremely helpful when we bought our equipment. All in all, our diving class was a wonderful, exciting, fun experience. Thank you PADI, Bob, Pat and Rod for opening the underwater world to us.
  Patrix Henschel, MSDT#158458; Robert Yingling, OWSI#161840, at New Wave, S-15151, Port Clinton, OH
  IKurt Haacke is an exceptional instructor, and I feel privileged to have been his student through my last several courses. There were three of us who went through the Divemaster programme together, and on several occasions while assisting other instructors, we were told that we were the best Divemasters they have worked with, and I believe that this praise should fall squarely on Kurt. Thanks to his thorough preparation I feel more than adequately prepared to perform the duties of a Divemaster. I hope that as I move up through the ranks I will be able to instill in others the love of diving that Kurt has instilled in me, and that I have seen him share with so many of his students.
  Kurt is a credit to PADI and to the dive industry. Kurt J. Haacke,MSDT#94134, Woods Cross, UT, U.S.
  am inspired to reveal to PADI the practical experience of my Divemaster training under the council and vigil of Jim Gazica and Washington Scuba Center. With tireless conviction to my training, Jim arranged schedules, lectures, confined water sessions, and open water exercises, and I was elevated from student to role model. As I assumed responsibilities with students, Jim appropriately adapted to the status of mentor and nurtured confidence with the students in my ability to perform the tasks required of a Divemaster. I am grateful to work with Jim on a professional level and aspire to the trust and respect that Jim has earned from his students. I feel that Jim Gazica should be recognized for his wholehearted commitment to the education of divers and his respect for an instruction of safety, skills, and innovation in diving.
  Jim Gazica,MSDT#161145, Washington Scuba, S-2600, PA, U.S.
  M. B. Walther est un formateur compétent, efficace qui sait motiver ses élèves; c'est un tout bon pédagogue qui impressionne non seulment par ses connaissances de la plongée, mais aussi par ses connaisances de la vie et ses qualités humaines. En un mot BRAVO.
  Je ne peux que recommander M. Walther. Beat Walther, MI#23855, Geneve, CH
  From the first class to the final open water dive Scott was a fantastic instructor. He was extremely thorough and patient with the class ensuring that we were all comfortable with each skill. This attitude was shared by the divemasters and assitants. This helped to build both my diving skills and confidence in the water. Scott conducts himself with a great deal of professionalism while at the same time encouraging his students to have fun with their diving. His enthusiasm for the sport is apparent and infectious. His students, once certified are made to feel welcome to join Scott and the other members of CanDive Scuba for recreational dives. This provides new divers with an easy opportunity to meet new divers of varying skill levels.
  Scott Bull, MSDT#202045, London, ON, Canada
  The service we received from Gia and Althea in the shop at UNEXSO was superior to any I have received throughout the Carribean. The briefings were concise. There was no lengthy check in process. Paperwork was thoroughly explained. Thank you for the professional and diver-friendly service we received from Chikako Hayatake and Christina Zenato, captain and dive guide for our group.
  UNEXSO, Pira Resort, S-2088, Freeport Grand Bahama, Bahamas
  All my educational experiences at Aquatic Adventures have left me more than pleased, and the quality of all of their instructors is exceptional, but this course was a truly phenomenal experience. Marty and Jim went extra mile to provide realistic scenarios and motivated the participating divers to put forth 110%. Hats off to Jimmy Gallagher, Dan Reinke, the other outstanding instructors at Aquatic Adventures, and especially Marty and Jim.
  Aquatic Adventures Scuba Academy, S-2868, 5 Star IDC, Alexandria, VA
  The Desert Divers staff was great. Equipment techs to divemasters and instructors, every member of the Desert Divers team was professional and courteous. They were always ready and willing to be of assistance for my every need. I would like to especially thank Russ Conway, who did a great job of preparing me for the open water certification. I would also like to thank Mike Huhn, who made me feel at ease and gave me the confidence requ9red to complete the Advanced Open Water program. A very special recognition to all the Divemasters and boat staff who were very knowledgeable and always available to help.
  Desert Divers, S-689, 5 Star IDC, Tucson, AZ, U.S.

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