

The game of powers in the conflicts of parting: an operative introduction






Mediation, as definition, works in specific contexts where the relationship between the parties is conflictual. Couple separations originate and develop themselves from conflicts where power plays an instrumental role. That's why, in mediators training phase, knowing the origin, structure, function and the use of power is the primary condition to control the conflicts and to Haudle the whole process. The author, after a short introduction able to demonstrate that an important human relationship cannot develop itself if each part is not able to exchange her power with the other, he recognizes in it the third part of psychic system after the intellective and affective ones, calling this psychic power "charism" to be not confuse with the other forms of it.

Then he examines the function in the family system with a special attention to the conyugal one and pick out the role play as to the most important systemical-structural relationship. From that exam he points out the absolute unity of the power opposing it to the "slice of power" idea asserting that the seeming disjointednees of it, give origin from the difficulty in identifying the contests in whitch it acts. So it's necessary to distinguish the proxy's power from task so as not fall into the illusion of an imposed or beared "conjugal-parental democracy". As stated, is important to determinate which are the "charismas" of one person that have a hold over the other vice versa: pointing out and managing. Them as that the relationship not only goes on but, moving from conjugal context (under mined by trick revenge) to the parental context, it can restructure himself on a collaborative level. Facilitating the use of charismas, and the powers, is a determining operation for a mediation good result, because nobody ca give up this psychic component as nobody can give up his thought and his feeling. Inhibited and neglected power leads to isolation, mental disorders and to psychophysics death.


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