writer's helpdesk
Links and Webrings

Here you all are. Neatly piled up and ready to be linked to the rest of us.

  • This site contains an ongoing saga. What did you expect from a writing site? Teleport me there!

  • This is Sarah's page. Contains her works. And some of her writings.

  • The Avid Reader Page is dedicated to the love of books and reading! Includes book recommendations as well as a fun and easy writing contest/game!  Also, Dream Portals which lead to my dreams and you can also get one for your site!

  • Visit the Astral Demesnes of THE Rastamage. But only if you are a phreak for mythology and schtuff like me. ;-)


  • ZOID Community is mainly a Site Fighting sorta thing, but being it a community it includes lotsa other stuff, amongst which r writing and discussing. Try it out.

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