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  • "Does Class Attendance Affect Academic Performance? Evidence from "D'Annunzio" University", with V. Andrietti.
    Submitted to Education Economics, February 2012.

    Abstract: This paper presents new evidence on the effects of class attendance on academic performance. We analyse survey data collected for an Introductory Macroeconomics Course at "G. D'Annunzio" University of Chieti and Pescara (Italy) in the academic year 2004-2005, matched to administrative data. Using OLS "proxy variables" regressions to capture the effect of unobservable student factors correlated with attendance, we still find a positive and significant effect of attendance on academic performance. However, while the bias correction goes in the expected direction, when using panel data estimators to wipe out time invariant individual specific unobservables, the attendance effect disappears.

  • "Class Attendance and Academic Performance Among Spanish Economics Students", with V. Andrietti and Carlos Velasco Gómez (2011).

    Abstract: This paper presents new evidence on the effect of class attendance on academic performance. We analyse survey data collected for an Introductory Econometrics Course at the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, matched to administrative data. Although OLS regressions show a positive and significant effect of attendance on academic performance, this effect disappears when we control for unobservable student characteristics potentially correlated with attendance, by means of proxies regressors for ability, effort and motivation. While Hausman endogeneity tests reject exogeneity of attendance in most specifications, and the available instrumental variables fail to account for the potential error correlation not captured by the controls, the upward bias we would expect in the attendance coefficient makes our results interesting compared to previous literature, pointing towards a nonsignificant (economically and statistically) effect of class attendance on academic performance.

    Accepted paper at:

    ICERI 2008, 17th-19th November, Madrid.
    EEA-ESEM 2009, 23th-27th August, Barcelona.
    XIX Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación 2010, 8th-9th July, Zaragoza.


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