UPEC - English


Open University for Lifelong Learning


Cert. ISO 9001


Regional Government authorized




UPEC Open University for Lifelong Learning is a non-profit cultural organization established according to the requirements of Italian Law and recognized by the Regional Government Authorities.

   It is open to voluntary contributions and fosters its activities through membership fees and cost reimbursements.

   It promotes and develops cultural and educational activities for the spread of basic and specialized knowledge among all types of learners, whatever their level of education, age, professional, social, cultural status, with particular concern for the elderly.

   The mission which guides UPEC is the awareness that the learning process is to be considered as continuous and renewable throughout one’s life.

   Thus, it becomes a factor of opportunity and personal growth the encouragement of continuous or intermitted involvement in this process.

   The overall goal of UPEC is to facilitate this process through the improvement of qualifications and development of further competencies and interests, to better the quality of life of people at all stages of their life.

   In order to achieve these aims UPEC establishes local continuing learning centres.




The main activities of UPEC are:

Study Courses
Training Courses
Specialised/Extracurricular Courses
In service training Courses for Teachers
Social and Cultural Activities
Regional and European Projects
Training Activities in arts&craft and ports


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