Pyramids and Constellation of Orione

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Are pass to you from birth very many years of the Egittologia and greatest steps are made for the understanding of the ancient culture Egyptian. Today we are even arrives you to the point to reconstruct history of Egypt directly from the translation of the geroglifici. In any case many mysteries are still today unsolved. Why the Egyptians have constructed the pyramids? How they have made to catch up high values therefore in the field of the architecture and engineering? When exactly they have been constructed the pyramids? For many years the pyramids have been exclusively considered of the huge ones tombe in order to commemorate the Pharaoh way and constructed from migliaia dì enslaved. Robert Bauval, after a longest search, has thrown one new and intriguer light on several the questions that encircle the pyramids. Robert, studying carefully the position of the three more famous pyramids situated on the plateau of Giza has uncovered that this was an end too much obvious reproduction of the position of the stars that form the Belt of the constellation of Orione.

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Giza Orione

Moreover it has placed in evidence the theory that the culverts that leave from the Room of the King of the Great Pyramid are not like had been presupposed simple lead use you for the areazione of the mortuary room, but inasmuch as they headed directly for the Constellation of Orione, the directed one via in which apparently came projected the spirit of the passed away Pharaoh, outside, towards the same constellation. Moreover the mystery of the condoni infittisce in how much In one of the culverts has been sent one small cinema camera robotics and has been made one strabiliante discovery: one secret door still sluice in the deep one of the structure of pyramid blocks the passage of the cunicolo. It is believed that this new and imminent discovery will carry to a radical change in our perception on this ancient civilization. Observing the view area of the necropoli memfita of situated Giza to the south-west of the Cairo, we can easy notice as the three pyramids are aligned. From the first moment these they seem not to be aligned (a classic egittologia perfectly confirmation that this can carry to think to an error of calculation or which had to the various conformation of the land) but, if we confront it with the image of the stars that form the Belt of Orione the things begin to become clear. Difficultly and impossible to think to one error: the pyramids are aligned exactly to stars of the belt of Orione. Robert has been the first one to notice that alignment of the pyramids of Giza was rispecchiato just from stars of the Constellation of Orione. Robert has called this fact " Theory of the Correlation " that is the dorsal thorn of its most interesting search. Astronomy is fundamental to the Theory of the Correlation of Bauval. In a cycle of approximately 26.000 years the Earth it oscillates leggermente on its axis and this produces to an appearing change of the position of stars. This phenomenon is famous as Precession (the stars to every half cycle, will be found to a lower or higher declination), when the earth oscillates, the polar Star, that it marks the Celestial pole approximately, changes. Currently it is Polarjs that marks the celestial Pole but to the time of the Pyramids it was marked from Thuban in the constellation of Drago - In the 12,000 d.C it will be Vega, in the constellation of the Lira that will mark the Pole. An other change of the position of stars has had from the expansion of the universe. The stars are not stationary in the space; they have what Motion is called Just: some stars move towards the earth while others go away (have been observed that the stars of the belt of Orione stretch to move with through the space). The stars that are found to a great distance from the earth seem to move more slowly regarding the others: this is the case of those of Orione that is distant approximately 1.400 light years. As they have said, it is a lot important makes a precise idea of as it was the sky to the time of the Pyramids: today thanks also to sophisticated software it is possible to study the sky of many centuries ago and this has helped very many Robert to the verification and the construction of its interesting theory. For who it wants to deepen the own acquaintances on this argument council lively dl to read to the book of Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert " the mystery of published Orione " in Italy from Corbaccio. Moreover to who it can interest can make a visit the situated The Orion Mystery where it is possible to find tantissime things interesting.


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