In Solar Sistema


Considered in the antiquity like bearers of wars and sventure, these fascinating viaggiatrici of the space scandito the rhythms of the human history and have contributed, with their apparitions, to reveal the mystery of the cosmos. To begin from the observations of Tycho Brahe, until the most recent discoveries, a report of the periodic encounter of comets with the orbits of inner planets, the mysteries of their composition and their trajectories, the fantastic theories on the consequences of possible crashs planeta


In the region comprised between Mars and Giove there is one you wrap of small full of rocks bodies sayings asteroids.
The first asteroid, Cerere, the first one of January of 1801 was uncovered from G.Piazzi; others three, Pallas Athena, Giunone and Vesta were characterize between 1802 and 1807 to you.
Today they have been catalogues to you more than 2000 asteroids. These are relatively small: largest, Cerere, has a diameter of 1000 Km, but the greater part has dimensions of little kilometers. It is not still sure the origin of these objects: some cosiderano form them to you from the disintegration of a planet, while others think that they are you form to you therefore from the primordiale nebula.


With the term meteorites those solid bodies agree that enter in the land atmosphere; poichè they enter with speed comprised between the 40,000 and the 250,000 Km/h become incandescent giving to place to luminous phenomena sayings meteors.
The meteorites they have several dimensions a lot: from enormous small masses sassolini or granelli of sand that produces so-called falling stars.
Every day several tons of meteorites piovono on the Earth, but only those that have a advanced mass to approximately 100 tons can catch up the ground.


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