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vai a........HomeCome raggiungerci-Il Circeo

beach-babe.gif (6215 byte) Circeo is the promontory of the centre of italy,wich overhungs,isolated,over the thyrrenian sea,enclosing at west the terracina's gulf. 541m.s.m.  high,it is much constituded of limestone and dolostone,it is linkable for stucture and tectonic conditions to the Lepini mountains.Maybe it has been separated from the dry land during the prehistory,today it is strictly connected to it by the Sisto and other rivers floods.The mithology says that magician Circe lived here, and for this both Omero and Virgilio remembers it,it's name derives from the latin term "circus" wich means circle refering to the configuration of the promontory.
The ruins of Circe's temple on the top,the well kept polygonal walls of the ancient Circei acropolis(roman colony founded on the 393 a.C.)and scattered ruins of villas is what remains of the antiquity.Today instead of the ancient Circei there is the inhabited place of S.Felice Circeo,a well known bathing place.His quarry on alabaster and onyx are very interesting but on a scientific view more interesting are the caves under the promonthory and the National Park of Circeo.The Park instituted in the 1934 it's 32km^2 wide, and its landscape rich in vegetation(oaks,ilex,pinetrees,eucalyptus,corks,ashes,hornbea ms,maples,elms,oleasters,palmets and lentisks),assures natural habitat to fallow deers,wild boars, foxes, martens, badgers, hedgehogs, hares and many migrator birds.

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      Via Regina Elena, 76 – 04010  S. Felice Circeo (LT),      0773.545000-545001 -Fax 0773.545107