Hochsaison (15 Juni bis 15 September), Ostern und Weinachtenferien Italian Lire 2.000.000 pro woche.
Nachsaison (15 September bis 15 Juni) Italian Lire 1.700.000 pro woche.
Heisses wasser, Licht, Gas inbegriffen.
Heizung nach Bedarf Italian Lire 500.000 pro woche.
Endputzkosten Italian Lire 25.000 pro Person, (Minimum Italian Lire 100.000)


The payment has to be done at the confirmation of the reservation by bank transfer on the account number 017745U c/o Banca Antoniana Popolare Veneta - Agency 00020 - Vigonza Padova Italy, issued to Milena Borella.

At the moment of arrival our kind Guests must deposit Italian Lire 1.000.000 that will be given them back at the end of the holidays. The deposit is due to eventual damages occurring during the vacation.