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New Age Books 3

by Annalisa & Giampiero Cara

Like the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, the Sacred Cat's adventures told in this beautiful book are not specifically for children. In fact, the tale of a Birman cat who travels the world to reach the Burma Temple, where his ancestor leads him to become one of the sacred cats that live there, has a metaphorical quality that appeals to "grown up" readers even more. According to an ancient legend, one hundred Birman cats live in a Burma temple dedicated to a goddess with sapphire-blue eyes. Little Birman Lao-Tsun was named after this temple, and after listening to the legend from his father voice, he starts to feel his ancestor Sinh's energy and decides to undertake a long and perilous journey to Burma. There, he has to undergo a very hard test to prove he's worthy of becoming a sacred cat, and success is divinely granted, of course. Beautifully written by a famous Neozeland writer and enriched with thoughtful and tender images taken by an experienced cat-loving photographer, this book is moving and profound, but it also leaves you with that tender and sympathetic smile pet stories always inspire.

Marie Stuttard and Denese Moore

The Sacred Cat

Sacred Cat Ltd.

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The Sacred Cat


According to the latest book by this influential New Age author (if you want to know more about Bob Mandel, click here and read our exclusive interview with him), the first thing we have to wake up to is our concept of true wealth. Of course, to people interested in spiritual issues, wealth is already more a manifestation of the universal creative energy in our lives than just the accumulation of large quantities of money and material goods. But do we really live our lives according to this concept of money as creative energy to "accumulate" by living creatively, in harmony with our core essence? Well, if we don't, this book can certainly help us become aware of that, based as it is on the assumption that "the better we are at running the business of our minds, the better our minds become at running the business of our lives". And it also reminds us that, although "the ego tells us that spiritual activity is a waste of time [...], in our hearts, we know that when we look for the hidden treasure [inside ourselves], we strike it rich".

Bob Mandel

Wake up to Wealth

Celestial Arts

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"Wake up to Wealth" by Bob Mandel


Written by two famous experts in meditation and relaxation techniques, this beautiful manual is a rich source of practical advice and exercises, but also of intuitions about human mind, its mechanisms and the best ways to develop its huge potential. Particularly recommended to people who look for a clear introductory approach to meditation, this book turns out to be a precious companion also to those who already practice this timeless technique, since it suggests many creative and original ways to use our mental faculties. Moreover, the authors' serene tone easily wins the readers' trust, to the extent that we felt metaphorically taken by the hand along this journey of quiet but profound and fascinating discovery. The types of meditations presented in depth here are the Concentration, Mindfulness, Reflective, Creative and Heart-Centered Meditations, whose explanation is accompanied by many effective exercises. Highly recommended.

Joel and Michelle Levey

Simple Meditation and Relaxation

Conari Press

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Simple Meditation and Relaxation


Five years after the publication of the best-selling The Soul of the World, writer Phil Cousineau and photographer Eric Lawton have published another beautiful modern "Book of Hours", suggestively titled The Soul Aflame. Following the basic concept of the Catholic manuscript which serves as a model, this book is a beautiful collection of 56 literary pieces and quotes from authors from all over the world, accompanied by outstanding photographs, sharp and intense like a meditating mind. The choice of literary pieces reveals a polished accuracy, just like the visual rendition of this "pocket cathedral". By opening this book, you can enter a world of silence and reflection, in which every word and every color silently infuse a deep sense of peace and focussed attention.

Phil Cousineau and Eric Lawton

The Soul Aflame

Conari Press

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The Soul Aflame


Written by the astronomer Michael Molnar of the Rutgers University, this intriguing book is the result of years of research by the author, started in 1991 with the finding of some bronze Roman coins issued in Antioch in the early first century A.D. The coins displayed the zodiacal sign of Aries (which also symbolized Judea) looking backwards at an overhead star. Molnar thought that the coins were the keys to unlock the mystery of the Star of Bethlem and to understand the true nature of this celestial portent connected to the birth of the King of Judea. The book offers substantial evidence to corroborate its theory: the Star of Bethlehem was in fact the planet Jupiter eclipsed by the Moon in Aries on April 17, 6 B.C., a marvelous and rare celestial manifestation regarded at that time as a sign of the birth of a "divine and immortal" person. Written in a clear and simple style, as a sort of "scientific detective story", the book includes notes and appendices for researchers and can appeal to the specialists as well as to a general audience.

Michael R. Molnar

The Star of Bethlehem

Rutgers University Press

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The Star of Bethlehem

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