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New Age Books 4

Absolutely Effortless Prosperity - Found Money: How to Consciously Win the Lottery - Sufism: The Transformation of the Heart - Metamorality - Growing Through Joy

by Annalisa & Giampiero Cara, Staci Backauskas

The premise of this book is that "to be prosperous without effort, we must first decide to make peace our ultimate goal". No competition, no more work, no better jobs or better education. We just need to stay focussed on inner peace (that naturally extends to the "outside world"), and on our true function, which -- according to the author, inspired by A Course in Miracles -- is the healing of ourselves and others. To help us do so, the former "Mr. Universe" Bijan (click here to read his article and his bio) has divided the book in two parts: The Lessons -- 30 daily "lessons" (each followed by an exercise) that often explain in a simpler, more direct way some of the basic principles of A Course in Miracles -- and Recommended Reading, a collection of inspiring "miracles" taken from the author's real life experience. We don't know if the book can actually "transform your life in 30 days", as it promises on the cover, since such a process in an individual could take from 30 seconds to 30 years. But what we do know, after reading it, is that it is a sincere and often touching account of a man's quest for his divine nature, in which you can find many profound and helpful intuitions you can apply to live a better, more prosperous and less effortful life. (A.&G. C.)


Absolutely Effortless Prosperity

Effortless Prosperity, Inc.

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Absolutely Effortless Prosperity by Bijan Anjomi



"Winning the lottery is a mind game, and you can consciously choose to win it". It's the powerful assumption on which this little, intriguing book is based. And at the end of it the author, the Canada-based writer and publisher Keith Ryan (click here to read his article), tells us that "his life is very good due to the exact things said in this book". And that's what is more valuable in Found Money: Ryan writes about something he successfully experimented in his life. In fact, this is not just another book on how easy it is, in theory, to change the reader's (and not necessarily the author's) life. Here, the author's words convey the quiet confidence of a man who knows what he's talking about, with a clear, simple, no-nonsense style. Ryan not only gives us some effective ideas, a visualization technique that we could also find in New Age manuals, and a useful list of U.S., Canadian and world lotteries; above all, he extends his faith in something that most people would consider absurd. All these qualities make up a book that continues to "work" within you well after you've finished reading it. And it goes even beyond the process of winning a lottery, by reminding us that "how to create your life moment to moment, goal by goal, is the lottery we are all trying to understand how to win". (A. & G. C.)

Keith Ryan

Found Money: How to Consciously Win the Lottery

Keith Ryan Publishing

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How To Consciously Win the Lottery


In this book, Dr. Vaughan-Lee writes a very clear, concise explanation of Sufism, including the origin of the religion and the process of living the life of a Sufi in today's society. Carl Jung fans will recognize the deep well of Sufi thought and belief that profoundly influenced Jung's psychology. Vaughan-Lee openly discusses the importance of working with our human dark side as well as the relationship between the "Teacher" or guru and his student. For Westerners on a path of conscious evolution, this relationship can be a stumbling block. For, in Sufism, one has to completely surrender oneself to the "Teacher" in order to continue moving toward the "Beloved" or God/dess. As the great Sufi sheikh Hafiz says, "Do not take a step on the path of love without a guide. I have tried it one hundred time and failed." The book also discusses the importance of dream work in the Sufi process and provides didactic commentary on "lucid dreaming." Vaughan-Lee includes a small dictionary of symbols commonly seen in meditation and visions for additional interpretation. For anyone who has an interest in learning about Sufism in the wake of Rumi's popularity, this book is a great start. (S.B.)

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Sufism: The Transformation of the Heart

The Golden Sufi Center Publishing

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Sufism by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee


I am fortunate to have attended a class at the Unity Center of New York based on this amazing and thought-provoking book. Wasting no time in breaking out of the "tradition" of the Bible, Butterworth quotes Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore, in the introduction as defining Mt. Sinai metaphysically as a "high or exalted state of consciousness." Butterworth goes on to explain that the Ten Commandments are not restrictive laws "set down by a fiat of the divine dictator," but rather "fences to keep the underdeveloped ones from wandering." And as one matures spiritually, and searches for the spiritual law associated with each commandment, Truth is the inevitable result. Not the truth of those who use the Bible to build foundations for their own ego-driven beliefs, but the Truth of spiritual fulfillment. Each chapter begins with the commandment as it is listed in the Bible. Then Butterworth, a Master Teacher in his own right and chosen as one of Oprah's favorite authors, shatters the rigid, fear-based definitions of "religion" and explains in simple terms, the esoteric and underlying meaning of each individual law. All the while, he keeps in mind that morality is man-made and completely different from spiritual law in that it deals with "accepted rightness." If your are raised in a traditional Judeo-Christian orthodox religion and struggling with the inflexible laws of the Ten Commandments, this book will rocket you through the "limited states of consciousness that may have held you in bondage, like the Israelites of old" and into the new frontier of MetaMorality. (S.B.)

Eric Butterworth

MetaMorality - A Metaphysical Approach to the Ten Commandments

Unity Books

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MetaMorality by Eric Butterworth



"Growing through suffering" is definitely an "old age" assumption. For centuries, we've been taught that, to be what we want to be, we have to struggle and suffer, to pass severe tests and overcome great difficulties. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Dr. Ulla Sebastian knows that very well. She's a German psychotherapist who, after being raised according to catholic conditioning (which emphasizes sacrifice, guilt and suffering), has managed to overcome her attachment to effort and negative emotions through the process of treating her clients' emotional problems. In Growing Through Joy, she explains how she transformed herself from a person full of guilt toward others to a woman who knows she's responsible for her own life, also thanks to the principles of positive thinking and to the Law of Manifestation she learnt as a member of the famous Findhorn spiritual community. Dr. Sebastian gives us examples and practical exercises, and introduces us to Holographic Repatterning, a transformational technique she has successfully applied to her clients. These "technical" aspects make this book particularly interesting to therapists and to people who have chosen to work with other people's psychological problems. (A.& G.C.)

Ulla Sebastian

Growing Through Joy

Findhorn Press

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Growing Through Joy by Ulla Sebastian

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