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Some important info for those who want to advertise in The Good Morrow site:The Good Morrow site is a daily publication which delivers every morning a funny quote or a cheerful short phrase (usually no more than 5 lines) to the subscribers' mailbox.

The purpose of The Good Morrow is to provide the subscribers with some moments of pure amusement at the beginning of the day.

The service is absolutely free for all the subscribers and was established on April, 1st 2000 by a group of people who want to share the big database they created with the subscribers to the mailing list (the "Goodmorrowers").

The circulation of The Good Morrow daily email is currently 1000+ subscribers (as of october, 15st 2000), growing at a rate of 250 per month.

Though the service is available worldwide and is targeted to all segments of internet users, the subscribers have at now a fair technical background and internet-oriented knowledge.

The subscribers' population is now:

-          60% U.S.A.

-          12% Italy

-          12% Other European countries

-          16% Rest of the world.

To advertise and/or for more information (prices and payment terms, description of the available sizes and position of the ad, date of next available advertising spot …) please contact:


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Last update: 08/31/2000