Paved is a collection of standard widgets enhanced with background-tessellation capability (tiling).
Paved widgets are:
These widgets have been inspired by the BLT package. Paved-widgets are pure-tcl widgets requiring the (pure-tcl) snit package.
For detailed info about each widget, read the related paveXXX.html document.
Starting from release 1.1 you can also transform pre-existing widget in Paved-Widgets.
See documentation for the following widget adapators:
All widgets together
# All Paved-widgets can be 'preloaded' with a single command: package require Paved # or you can preload just a single widget: package require Paved::button # here is a small example: # (suppose xyz.gif is in current directory) package require Paved::frame Paved::frame .c -tile xyz.gif -borderwidth 10 -relief sunken pack .c -fill both -expand true wm geometry . 200x200
Run files in demo directory ..
We hope the included demos let you appreciate the Paved-widgets capabilities.
Paved 1.1 and all the required packages should be installed under standard library path.
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 <Irrational Numbers>
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