I am very interested in using HP48 (I have a GX model). Here you are some programs that I've found very useful (expecially for cheating on exams hee hee):
TRANSFILE WIN 48 Win95/98/NT application to exchange files between HP48 and PC tfwin48.zip
SCRIBE101 Database management scribe.zip
UFL v1.0 Universal Font Library, needed from TED, JAVA and maybe other applications ufl10.zip
TED Text editor and viewer for HP48 ted32.zip
BZ Compression program for HP48 (derived by pkzip) bz.zip
CODELOCK lock your hp to prevent unauthorized access! codelk13.zip
MATH LIBRARY v1.30 an almost complete math package for dealing with matrices and polynomials math.zip
JAVA v3.6a great stack replacemente (I suggest to install java36c.lib) java36a.zip
XVIEW Little but powerful text editor xview.zip
RELAX... Gemes games.zip

Here are programs for those who attend particular courses in Politecnico of Milan:
AUTOMATICA_PACK a collection of useful programs for "fondamenti di automatica" (automation fundamental); aut_pack.zip
FISICATECNICA_PACK a collection of text files to copy during the examination (for Arosio Sergio's class in particular); to be used in connection with TGV -in italian-; written by Luigi (the best one!) fst_pack.zip
SCIENZADELLECOSTRUZIONI_PACK some useful programs for your exam of Costruction science (for De Donato's class in particular); - there are also instruction in Italian! Thank you Gigio! -; Sdc_pack
ECONOMIA_PACK text file to copy during the examination (for Roveda Claudio's class in particular) -in italian Ecn_pack.zip
SISTEMI_ELETTRICI_PACK official programs for "sistemi elettrici" course; something useful also for Elettrotecnica sis_pack.zip
ELETTROTECNICA_PACK Various electrotechical resources elt_pack.zip
TRATTAMENTODELLEOSSERVAZIONI_PACK the 4 magical applications! tos_pack.zip
ELETTRONICA_PACK text file contribute by Blundo_the_master elettron.zip


Official Site for HP48 users
Jack Levy's HP48 Page