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From 0 to 10 => rei ichi ni san yon go roku nana hachi kyuu juu => れい いち に さん よん ご ろく なな はち きゅう じゅう (4 is also shi and 9 is also ku but they are not often used)
100 1000 10000 100000000 1000000000000 => hyaku sen man oku choo => ひゃく せん まん おく ちょう
1000 Yen => sen en => せん えん (to count money simply add en after the number for Yen or others for different money like Dollar(ドル) and Euro (ユウロ)..)
64 => roku juu yon =>ろくじゅうよん (6*10+4)
128 => hyaku ni juu hachi => ひゃくにじゅうはち (you don't need ichi before juu, hyaku or sen)
256 => ni hyaku gojuu roku => にひゃくごじゅうろく (2*100+5*10+6)
1024 => sen ni juu yon => せんにじゅうよん (100+2*10+4)
10000 => ichi man => いちまん (you must use ichi before man, oku or choo)
32768 => san man ni sen nana hyaku roku juu hachi => さんまん にせん ななひゃく ろくじゅうはち
10240000 => sen ni juu yon oku => せん にじゅう よん おく (you must group 4 digits because Japanese reads 4 digits, not 3: there's not a word for million)
1000000 => hyakuman => ひゃくまん (100*10000).
100 to 900 hyaku nihyaku sanbyaku yonhyaku gohyaku roppyaku nanahyaku happyaku kyuuhyaku
1000 to 9000 sen nisen sanzen yonsen gosen rokusen nanasen hassen kyuusen.
10000 to 19000 ichiman ichimansen ichimannisen inchimansanzen  ichimanyonsen  ichimangosen ichimanrokusen  ichimannanasen  ichimanhassen ichimankyuusen
20000 100000 200000 1000000 2000000 niman juuman nijuuman hyakuman  nihyakuman
IMPORTANT: the underlined words are different from what we expect because they follow a rule of sound modification for numbers.
If you are interested only in writing numbers use kanji to avoid problems (they are in the next lesson).

This rule is used after 99 and with all counters:
number + moltiplier/counter => new sound
ku+h=>pp (ex: roku+hyaku=>roppyaku)

When numbers are used to refer something they become counters, for example three books. To translate counters simply add the right suffix + no after the number (remember the sound modification rule, you must apply it also with number+counter, not only with number+multiplier)
For example to say four dogs => yon + hiki(suffix for animate) + no + inu (dog) => よん ひき の いぬ
These are the most important counters:
human  => nin => にん
animate (life that can move but not humans) => hiki => ひき
inanimate (everything but the two categories above) => ko => こ
Japanese numbers are used for counting things which do not have counters of their own. From 1 to 10: hitotsu futatsu/futatsu mittsu yottsu itsutsu muttsu nanatsu yattsu kokonotsu too. After 10 use normal numbers: juuichi juuni ...
If you want you can use also other counters for particular animates and inanimates, id est birds are animate but it is better to use wa instead of hiki.
animate: large animals (animals larger than human beings)=> tou; birds => wa
inanimate: long things (things that have length - pens, pencils, ropes, trees, movies, programs, etc.) => hon; thin things (pieces of paper, leaves, plates, tickets, etc.) => mai; books (comics, books, magazines, etc.) => satsu - cups of liquid => hai; lifelike (dead bodies, mannequins, human-shaped robots, etc.) => tai;  machines (cars, televisions, etc.) => dai;
Ex.: two cups of green tea => nihainoocha => にはいのおちゃ
Here are the most important counters with the number before (after the modification rule)...
People 1 to 10,100,1000: hitori futari   sannin gonin rokunin nananin hachinin kyuunin juunin hyakunin sennin
Animates 1 to 10,100,1000: ippiki nihiki sanbiki yonhiki gohiki roppiki nanahiki happiki kyuuhiki juppiki hyappiki senbiki
Inanimates 1 to 10,100,1000: ikko niko sanko yonko goko rokko nanakohakko kyuuko jukko hyakko senko
Here are other counters
Large animals 1 to 10, 100,1000: ittou nitou santou yontou gotou rokutou nanatou hachitou kyuutou juttou hyakutou sentou
Birds ichiwa niwa sanwa yonwa gowa rokuwananawahachiwa kyuuwajuuwa hyakuwa senwa
Long things ippon nihon sanbon yonbon gohon roppon nanahon happon kyuuhon juppon hyappon senbon
Thin things 1 to 10,100,1000: ichimai nimai sanmai yonmai gomai rokumai nanamai hachimai kyuumai juumai hyakumai senmai
Books 1 to 10,100,1000: issatsu nisatsu sansatsu yonsatsu gosatsu rokusatsu nanasatsu hassatsu kyuusatsu jussatsu hyakusatsu sensatsu
Cups of liquid 1 to 10,100,1000: ippai nihai sanbai yonhai gohai roppai nanahai happai kyuuhai juppai hyappai senbai


Hours 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 => reiji ichiji niji sanji yoji goji rokuji shichiji hachiji kuji juhji juhichiji juhniji => れいじ いちじ にじ さんじ よじ ごじ ろくじ しちじ はちじ くじ じゅうじ じゅういちじ じゅうにじ
Minutes :01 :02 :03 :04 :05 :06 :07 :08 :09 => ippun nihun sanpun yonpun gohun roppun nanahun hachihun kyuuhun => いっぷん にふん さんぷん よんぷん ごふん ろっぷん ななふん はちふん きゅうふん
Minutes :10 :20 :30 :40 :50 => juppun nijuppun sanjuppun (or simply han) yonjuppun gojuppun (use ppun) => じゅっぷん にじゅっぷん さんじゅっぷん(or simply はん) よんじゅっぷん ごじゅっぷん Minutes :05 :15 :25 :35 :45 :55 => gohun jugohun nijugohun sanjugohun yonjugohun gojugohun (use hun) =>
Seconds 1 to 12 => ichi-byoo nibyoo sanbyoo yonbyoo gobyoo rokubyoo nanabyoo hachibyoo kubyoo juubyoo juuichibyoo juunibyoo and so on...
a.m.=> gozen => ごぜん
p.m.=> gogo => ごご
Midday => Shogo => しょご
Midnight => Mayonaka =>まよなか
What time is it (now)? => ima nanji desuka => いま なんじ ですか
11 o' clock => juuichiji => じゅういちじ (ji is the counter for hours)
from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.=> gozen juhichiji kara gogo niji made => ごぜん じゅういちじ から ごご にじ まで

Days from 1st to 10th tsuitachi futsuka mikka yokka itsuka muika nanoka yooka kokonoka tooka => ついたち ふつか みっか よっか いつか むいか なのか ようか ここのか とうか Days 11th to 31th :juuichinichi juuninichi juusannichi juuyokka(14) juugonichi juurokunichi juunananichi juuhachinichi juukunichi(19) hatsuka(20) nijuuichinichi nijuuninichi nijuusannichi nijuuyokka(24) nijuugonichi nijuurokunichi nijuunananichi nijuuhachinichi nijuukunichi(29) sanjuunichi sanjuuichinichi
What day today is? => Kyou wa nan nichi desuka => きょうは なん にち ですか?
It's 11th => Juuichi nichi desu => じゅういちにち です
Days of the week from Sunday to Saturday: nichiyoobi(にちようび) getsuyoobi(げつようび) kayoobi(かようび) suiyoobi(すいようび) mokuyoobi(もくようび) kinyoobi(きんようび) doyoobi(どようび) (yoobi(ようび) means day of the week).
What day of the week is today? => Kyoo wa nan yoobi desuka? => きょうは なに ようび ですか
it's 15th => juugonichi yoobi desu => じゅうごにち ようび です
Months from January to December: ichigatsu nigatsu sangatsu shigatsu(April) gogatsu rokugatsu shichigatsu(July) hachigatsu kugatsu(September) juugatsu juuichigatsu juunigatsu  (gatsu(がつ) means month).
What month is this month? => Nan gatsu desuka => なんがつ ですか?
It's April => shigatsu desu => しがつ です
What date is today? => Kyoo wa nan gatsu nan nichi desuka? => きょうは なんがつ なんにち ですか?
It's 14th september => Kyoo wa kugatsu juuyokka desu => きょうは くがつ じゅうよっか
Number+nen. Write the number of the year instead of the long japanese pronunciation.
1998 <=> sen kyuuhyaku kyuujuuhachi nen
1999 <=> sen kyuuhyaku kyuujuukyuu nen
2000 <=> nisen nen
Monday January 1st 2000 => nisen nen ichigatsu ichitachi getsuyoobi => 2000 ねん いちがつ いちたち げつようび (2000/1/1) => 2000 年 一月 一日   月曜日(these are all kanji...)

© 2000 Alessandro Pisan
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