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Good morning => ohayo => おはよ or the polite  ohayo gozaimasu おはよございます.
Good afternoon / Hello => konnichiwa => こんにちは (note the last syllable)
Good evening => konbanwa => こんばんは (note the last syllable)
Good night =>oyasuminasai => おやすみなさい
Good bye => sayoonara => さようなら 
Bye bye => bai bai => バイ バイ (written using katakana because imported from English)
Itte rasshai (いって らっしゃい) means return home healthy (used for example when someone is going out of home).
Itte kimasu (いって きます) is the answer to the greeting above and means see you later (letterally I go and return).
Tadaima (ただいま) used when you return home
Okaeri (おかえり) means welcome home and the polite form is okaerinasai
How are you? => ogenki desu ka => おげんきですか (litterally 'are you healthy?') with friends you can simply say genki (health)(the o at the beginning is the onorific o)
Yes No => hai  iie => はい  いいえ
Thank you => arigatoo => ありがとう or the polite form arigatoo gozaimasu => ありがとうございます or doomoarigatoo or the polite doomoarigatoo-gozaimasu (どうもありがとうございます)
You are welcome => dooitashimashite => どういたしまして
Thank you for the food (I'm starting eating) => Itadakimasu => いただきます(before eating.... )
Thank you for the tasteful food => gochisoosamadeshita  => ごちそうさまでした (after eating)
I'm sorry => gomennasai => ごめんなさい (or simply gomen)
Excuse me => sumimasen => すみません (or shitsurei shimasu)
Sorry for the interruption => ojamashimasu => おじゃまします
Welcome => irasshai => いらっしゃい
Welcome in our home => wagayahe yookoso => わがやへ ようこそ
How do you do. My name is #. Nice to meet you => Hajimemashite. Watashi no namae wa # desu. Dozo yoroshiku => あじめまして。 わたしの なまえは # です。どぞよろしく 。
Let me present, I am # => jikoshookai, watashiwa # desu => じこしょうかい, わたしは # です
This is my teacher => kochirawa watashino sensei desu => こちらは わたしの せんせい です (kochira is used for older or higher position people)
This is my friend Pippo => kono hitowa tomodachino pippo desu => この ひとは ともだちの ピッポ です (kono hito is informal)
Money =>okane => おかね the first o is the onorific o, it is a prefix for the word to respect.
These are suffixes for name of persons:
San means Mr.,Mrs., Ms (ex. kyoko-san)  if you want to be polite use the suffix sama
Kun means boy, usually not used for girls, only young boys
Chan used with familiars usually with femal names or little children.
Hime means princess

Sugoi means therrific, fantastic, therrible, horrible, wonderful and so on. Example: great power => sugoi chikara => すごい ちから (chikara means power, strenght, energy..)
Kakkoii (かっこいい) means attractive, good looking, kakkoo means form, posture and ii means good/beautiful. Its contrary is kakkoowarui (かっこうわるい) in fact warui means bad, inferior.
Kimochiii (きもちいい) means good feeling.
Yokumo (よくも) means 'how dare...'
Daijoobu (だいじょうぶ) means safe, all right, OK; it can be used as question and answer. Ex: are you OK? Now I'm well => daijoobu ? mou daijoobu => だいじょうぶ? もう だいじょうぶ
I love you => Omae wo aishite iru => おまえを あいして いる (omae means you)
I love you => anata wo aishite imasu => あなたを あいして います (polite)
Heart => kokoro => こころ (mind, heart, spirit)
I'll do it! => watashi, yaru! => わたし やる
I have done it => yatta (past of yaru) => やった (subject is usually omitted)
Attention! => abunai => あぶない (the litteral meaning is dangerous).
Magic => mahoo => まほう (it is also used majikku (マジック))
Monster => mamono => まもの means devil, apparition (the kanji writing is similar to mahoo)
Japanese ogre => oni => おに (did you ever see lum?)

There are six fundamental colors, they are adjectives and cutting the i at the end they became nouns:
-red => akai => あかい
-blue => aoi => あおい if you refer to fruit means unripe, not blue (ex. the apple is unripe =>  kore wa aoi ringo desu (don't use midorino) => これ は あおい りんご です)
-white => shiroi => しろい
-black => kuroi => くろい
-yellow => kiiroi => きいろい
-brown => chairoi => ちゃいろい
Other colors are nouns and to obtain a sort of adjective we must add the particle no at the end (like the  possessive adjective (es.watashino).
-green => midori => みどり
-pink => momoiro => ももいろ
-gray => haiiro => はいいろ

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