 Relax ...
in style

We should learn to navigate on a sea of uncertainties, sailing in and around islands of certainty”

Edgar Morin, Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future. UNESCO Publishing, 2001.


Learning Paths is specifically devoted to research and action for promoting learner autonomy. The focus is mainly, but not exclusively, on second language learning, with ample opportunities for cross-curricular work.

I believe that learner autonomy is an on-going process of self-discovery, in which both teachers and learners are invited to express and share their thoughts and feelings about what they are learning and how they are learning it.

Learning Paths aims to help this process of self-discovery by providing materials and references. Special Activity pages offer suggestions for individual and class tasks. Strategic lesson plans focus on strategy activation in the classroom. Surveys and questionnaires supply ready-to-use tools for investigating various aspects of the teaching/learning interface. The Papers section includes some of the papers I have produced and published in the area of learner autonomy and related issues.

The site also offers selected Bibliographies and Links to other dedicated sites. Relax in style provides a bit of personalised relaxation ... You can also provides a bit of personalised relaxation ... You can also e-mail me and sign or view my guestbook.

Enjoy this site. Thank you!


Home    Introduction    Activity pages    Strategic lesson plans    Questionnaires 

Papers   Bibliographies    Links    Relax ... in style    by Luciano Mariani, Milan, Italy