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Importing Multilayer Files

You can import file types that support multiple layers (such as Adobe Photoshop® files, Adobe Illustrator® files, RPF files, and so on). The bottom layer in these files is opaque, while the alpha channels for any other layers are maintained. You can change the way the alpha is interpreted for the layers using the Channels & Alpha settings. For information, see Changing Channel Settings.

When you import these files, you can specify how the system manages the original layers.

To import files containing layers:
  1. From an existing composite, choose File | Import Footage.
  2. The Import Footage dialog appears.

  3. Navigate to the footage you want to import, and then click OK.
  4. The Import Options dialog appears.

  5. Select one of the following options.


    Merged Image

    Import the file(s) as a single layer. You can view the layers separately using the Source Layer option in the Footage Controls panel.

    For information, see Specifying Source Layer.


    Import all layers as separate layers parented to a null object in a composite.

    With this option, once you import the file, each layer from the original file can be manipulated separately, or together, via the null object.


    Import all layers as separate layers parented to a null object in a nested composite.

    With this option, once you import the file, each layer from the original file can be manipulated separately, or together, via the null object.

  6. Importing a Photoshop file as Grouped instead of versus Nested can affect rendering time dramatically on very large resolution Photoshop files. With the Nested import option, combustion has to render an additional composite and all the layers within that composite.

    Only use the Nested import option if you want access to individual layers and you intend to apply filters or other operators to the entire group of layers at once. Use the Grouped import option access individual layers without global filters, and use the Merged import option for all other circumstances.

  7. Click OK to import the file(s).
  8. The Workspace panel appears as follows depending on how you selected to import the file(s).

    If you select Merged Image:

    If you select Grouped:

    If you select Nested:

    Note: When rendering RPF sequences, 3ds max stores the layer information only in the first frame. For this reason, to import an RPF image sequence as Grouped or Nested, you must import the first frame.

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