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Moving and Rotating Layers

You can rotate and move layers along the X, Y, or Z axes to position them in the composite. You can also constrain movement to one or two axes, if required.

To move a layer:
  1. Select the layer.
  2. Note: Ctrl-click or Shift-click to select multiple layers.

  3. To set explicit values for the position of the layer, click the Transform button and adjust the X, Y, and Z Position fields.
  4. The options to change how precisely the slider value increases or decreases are described in Button Conventions.

    Note: If you have multiple layers selected, using the Transform controls sets an exact value for all selected layers, not an offset from their current value. For example, if you enter values in the Position fields, all selected layers move to those coordinates.

    Note: To set explicit X, Y, and Z positions, you can also double-click the Arrow tool and enter the values in the Position dialog.

  5. To return to the default values, click the Position Reset   button.
  6. To move the layer to the required position in a viewport, click the Arrow tool   on the Toolbar and then drag the layer in the viewport.
  7. To constrain the movement to one or more axes, select the X, Y, and Z options on the Toolbar.
  8. Note: Depending on the view, you can constrain movement when you left-click and drag, and when you right-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) and drag in the viewport. See Tool Constraint Shortcuts.

    The layer moves to the new position.

To rotate a layer:
  1. Select the layer.
  2. To set explicit values for the layer rotation, click the Transform button and adjust the X, Y, and Z Rotation values.
  3. Note: You can also double-click the Rotate tool, and enter an explicit X, Y, and Z rotation in the Rotation dialog.

  4. To return to the default values, click the Rotation Reset   button.
  5. To drag the layer to the required rotation in a viewport, click the Rotate tool   on the Toolbar and then drag in a viewport.
  6. Note: Left-click and drag to rotate along the X and Y axes. Right-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) and drag to rotate on the Z-axis.

  7. To constrain the movement to one or more axes, select the X, Y, and Z options on the Toolbar.

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