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Copying or Moving Operators

Use cut, copy, and paste commands to copy or move operators between layers anywhere in the workspace.

By changing the stacking order of the operators in a composite, you create different effects. To move an operator within the same composite, click and drag the operator in the Workspace panel or in the Timeline. To move an operator outside the composite, use cut and paste commands.

To move an operator to a different composite:
  1. In the Workspace panel, select the operator.
  2. Press Ctrl+X (Windows) or Command+X (Macintosh), or choose Edit | Cut.
  3. In the Workspace panel, click the location where you want the paste the operator, and then press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Macintosh), or choose Edit | Paste.
  4. The operator is added to the selected location.

To copy an operator:
  1. In the Workspace panel, select the operator.
  2. Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Macintosh), or choose Edit | Copy.
  3. In the Workspace panel, click the location where you want the copy to appear, and then press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Macintosh), or choose Edit | Paste.
  4. The operator is added at the selected location.

To duplicate an operator:
  1. In the Workspace panel, select the operator.
  2. Choose Edit | Duplicate, or press Ctrl+Alt+D (Windows) or Command+Option+D (Macintosh).
  3. A copy of the operator is added above the selected operator.

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