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Inverting the Global Apply Mode

In general, enable Invert in the Global Apply Mode to invert the result of all the masks in the operator. The following example illustrates the effects of enabling Invert in the Global Apply Mode settings.

In the left image, two masks are combined to isolate the foreground (bird and pole) from the image. The first mask cuts out the bird, and the second mask cuts out the portion of the image between its legs. In the right image, Invert is enabled in the Global Apply Mode, inverting the result of both masks in the operator.

If the layer contains an alpha channel, use the Global Apply Mode list to specify how all masks, combined together using their individual modes, affect an existing alpha channel for the selected layer.

Note: Here, "alpha channel" means whatever matte is included with the input to the operator (for example, an alpha channel from the Footage operator or a matte output from a Keyer).

For example, the following layer contains an alpha channel.

Next, two masks are applied to the layer that make portions of the alpha channel transparent.

In the Global Apply Mode settings, Subtract is selected and Invert is disabled.

In the following illustration, Invert is enabled in the Global Apply Mode settings. The masks and the alpha channel of the layer are inverted.

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