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Hinging Layers

Use Hinging to link the edges of two layers. The hinged layer moves like a door on a hinge, or a page in a book. When you move, rotate, or scale the parent-hinge layer, the hinged layer moves and rotates to keep the link to the parent hinge layer's edge.

To hinge two layers:
  1. In the active viewport, orient the two layers so that the edges that you want to hinge together are roughly in the same area. When you enable the hinging, combustion automatically hinges the closest edges.
  2. Select the layer to be hinged.
  3. In the Composite Controls panel, click the Layer button.
  4. Do one of the following to select the parent-hinge layer:
To remove the hinging between layers:
  1. Select the hinged layer (the child-hinge).
  2. In the Composite Controls panel, click the Layer button.
  3. Select None from the Hinge list.
  4. The link between the two layers is removed.

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