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Copying Emitter Objects

Another way to create an emitter is to copy an existing emitter object. For example, if you customized one emitter object, you can duplicate it in the same Particles operator.

Note: You can also copy and paste emitter objects from other Particles operators in the same workspace.

The second way to copy an emitter object is to make a new one using the properties of the selected one.

When an emitter is selected in the Workspace panel or in the viewport, the Particle Controls panel shows its controls. For example, the Emitter controls show the emitter's properties. When you use an Emitter tool to create another emitter and the focus is on an emitter object, the selected emitter is used as the basis for the new emitter.

Note: This is similar to how you add emitters from the library: you select the library emitter, the library emitter properties show in the Particle Controls panel, and the library emitter is the basis for the new emitter.

To duplicate an emitter object:
  1. Select the emitter object in the Workspacepanel or viewport.
  2. Choose Edit | Duplicate.
  3. The copy appears at the top of the Workspace panel stack with the same name as the selected emitter. The duplicate emitter has the same transforms (for example, motion path) and particle types.

To create an emitter object based on the selected one:
  1. Select the emitter object in the Workspacepanel or viewport.
  2. Show the Toolbar.
  3. Select an Emitter tool, and add the emitter to the viewport.
  4. The copy appears at the top of the Workspace panel stack with the name "New Emitter Type." The emitter has the same particle types and properties as the selected one.

    Note: The transforms may or may not be copied depending on the tool chosen. For example, if you select a circle emitter and use the Point Emitter tool, the point emitter cannot use the Size properties.

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