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Flood Fill Tool

Use the Flood Fill tool to fill a specific area of your image with the color currently specified in the foreground color box.

When you click in the viewport, a fill marker is added to the image. The fill marker acts on the pixels directly beneath it. Depending on the Tolerance value, all surrounding pixels with a color similar to the one under the marker are replaced with the foreground color. You set the Tolerance value in the Flood Fill tool options.

If you animate the position of the fill marker (or animate the objects under the fill marker), the fill operation may change as the marker passes over different sections of the underlying image.

Note: Fill is not linked to the object over which it was originally placed.

To use the Flood Fill tool:
  1. On the Toolbar, click the Flood Fill tool .
  2. In the tool options, set the Tolerance as needed.
  3. The Tolerance indicates the fill operation sensitivity. Use a low value so that the fill operation acts only on a small range of colors. Set the Tolerance to zero so only colors that are identical to the selected color are replaced.

    Set the Tolerance to a high value so that the fill operation acts on a wider range of similar colors. Set the Tolerance to 100 to replace all colors with the foreground color.

  4. Click the foreground color box to set the foreground color.
  5. In the active viewport, click in the area of the image you want to fill.
  6. Note: For best results, fill areas should be of one fairly homogenous color.

You can animate the Fill tool properties as you would any other drawing object.

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