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Editing Path Properties

Edit the text Path properties to change the position of the text on the path, rotate the characters, and set the text to the inside or outside of a loop path.

Inside and Outside Path Options

Use the Inside and Outside path options with Loop path text. To use the Inside and Outside path options, do the following:

Select the text on a loop path, and:

Using the Path Offset Options

You can shift (and animate) the position of the text on the path in relation to the first control point on the path by adjusting the Offset value.

To use the Path Offset:
  1. Select the path text object.
  2. Enter a value in the Path Offset field.
  3. Note: The Path Offset can be used with any Path type.

To animate the Path Offset:
  1. Select the path text object.
  2. Enable Animate.
  3. Go to the frame where you want to begin the animation.
  4. Scrub in the Path Offset field to position the text path offset.
  5. Go to the frame where you want to end the animation.
  6. Scrub in the Path Offset field move the text path offset.
  7. The text "travels" along the path.

Using Character Rotation

You can rotate all characters on a text path object by a specific amount by entering a value in the Character Rotation field.

To rotate the characters on a text path:
  1. Select the path text object.
  2. In the Character Rotation field, enter a value.
  3. Note: Character Rotation can be animated.

Keep Perpendicular Option

When the Keep Perpendicular option is enabled (default), each text character is automatically rotated at a right angle to the text path.

When Keep Perpendicular is disabled, the text characters (while still anchored to the path) sit at a uniform angle to the text path.

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