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Comparing Rendered Clips

You can also use the Render to RAM dialog to create two buffers to render two different clips. You then use the Compare tool in the Toolbar to create a split screen in the viewport.

To compare rendered clips:
  1. Display the operator that you want to render in a viewport.
  2. It is now the current operator.

  3. Choose File | Render to RAM, or press Ctrl+Shift+R (Windows) or Command+Shift+R (Macintosh).
  4. The Render to RAM dialog appears.

  5. Click Compare With.
  6. The Operator Picker appears.

  7. Select the comparison operator, and then click OK.
  8. Note: The rendering quality and size of the compared operator will be the same as the current operator.

  9. Set the other options on the Render to RAM dialog, as required, and then click Process.
  10. The RAM Player appears in the active viewport. The current operator is the front clip, and the comparison operator is the back clip.

  11. Select the Compare tool   in the Toolbar.
  12. The Compare options appear.

  13. Select an option and drag the cursor in the viewport while playing to control how the two clips are displayed.



    Draw a rectangular area in the viewport. You can then click in the rectangle and drag it to another position.

    Split Vertically

    Use a vertical region and then click or drag in the viewport to create a vertical limit at that point.

    Split Horizontally

    Use a horizontal region and then click or drag in the viewport to create a horizontal limit at that point.

    Invert Region

    Toggle the comparison region between the inside and outside of the drawn area.

  14. Note: For Split Vertically, you can press Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and click to switch to Split Horizontally, and vice versa.

The following image illustrates the Compare tool options.

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