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Using 3ds max Camera Data in combustion

When you render a scene in the rich pixel file format, camera data such as (X,Y,Z) direction and field of view are stored in the rendered file. When you import the file into combustion, you can use the stored camera data to control the camera in your workspace.

Instead of animating the camera in your combustion workspace, you can use the camera animation that is stored in your rich pixel scene.

Note: This feature requires you to render the following channels as part of the RPF or RLA file: Store Alpha Channel, Z (Z Depth), and Coverage.

To use rich pixel camera data:
  1. In the combustion Workspace panel, select a composite or a layer.
  2. On the Composite Controls panel, click Camera to display the Camera controls.
  3. From the RPF Transform Layer list, select the layer whose camera animation you want to use.
  4. The camera's position, direction, and field of view are taken from the selected RPF or RLA file. Notice the Camera controls are disabled to indicate that you no longer control the camera from combustion; instead the camera animation is based on information stored in the RLA or RPF file.

  5. Set a viewport to Camera view and preview the animation.
  6. Because the camera data has changed, you may have to move or rotate some layers in order to see them.

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