What is Thought

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What is Thought... about Us


"You are the best group of volunteers in the history of YAP workcamps in Roiate!".

Domenico, Local Contact


"Thank you to Koreans, Japanese, and Mexicans volunteers for the help in the Roiate community".

Mayor of Roiate

(… and the other volunteers?)


"In this camp there are very nice girls!"

Mariano, Roiate Citizen


“I’d like to have an appointment with the beauty Russian girl”.

Giulio, Roiate Latin Lover (74 years old)


“Your are a group of drunks!”

Roiate Citizen 


"This is a very good camp. Congratulation Maurizio!"

Majid, YAP Italy, Roiate 20/08/2004


"In the evaluation form some volunteers describe the camp leaders like nightmares. What up Maurizio?”

Majid, YAP Italy, Rome 1/09/2004


“Not only you eat a lot, but you drink too much! I think. Anyway, enjoy!”

Ugo, Roiate Shopkeeper


"What do you do exactly?"

A Woman of Roiate

(very good question...)


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