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A documentary, photographs and a web site will be created.
TV The most important national and international TV production companies (amongst which the Discovery Channel) showed interest in this campaign, which was already shown around the world on the Discovery Channel, and in Italy on Linea Blu (Rai1), Geo&Geo (Rai3), TeleRoma56. All of these TVs, plus others, have repeatedly invited us to talk about the sharks.
PRESS Likewise, the most important nature and news magazines in Italy have asked to publish the story, being particularly attracted by images of girsl swimming side by side with the sharks
WEB We will create a website dedicated to this research, which will be updated daily from the field. Press releases will be sent to a mailing list of 1500 marine-enthusiasts, to marine websites and to the websites of Marine magazines
FESTIVAL- The short documentary whot during the preliminary campaign was shown at the World Underwater Film Festival in Antibes, with considerable interest. The Internaltional Underwater Film Festival of Rome will air this documentary on June 8th, during the U.N. World Oceans Day
CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS - A series of ten conferences is scheduled around Italy during 2003-2004.
EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL - Wall posters, brochures and leaflets in multiple languages will be created to educate the public - bothllocals and tourists - about the presence of sharks, their vulnerable status both as a species and as 'parents-to-be' and the need for tourist to respect them and admire them without causing them trouble.

 •shark bay
 • 2003 campaign
 • communication
 the sandbar shark
 • the team
 • il diario 2002
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