Your Thoughts Have The Power

The events in your life and the experiences around you are the result of what you have chosen to allow into your life. Many people people do not want to believe this because it would mean that any negative thing that ever happened to them was asked for and wanted. You might not have specifically asked to be mugged but there is something within you that allowed it to happen. Sometimes people can really see how the power of their mind can affect their daily lives. Some of them use this awareness to guide their lives in a better direction. And then of course there is the majority who cannot even conceive of such an concept. The reason why so many people cannot accept this "you get what you ask for" idea is that it is very difficult to pinpoint life events stemming from your thoughts when you are not consciously making it happen. When you get good at consciously molding your life from your thoughts, you will see it happen and see just how it happens. If you were to think the thought that you now have a bag of apples in your refrigerator, you won’t instantly find a bag if you went to your fridge and looked. Your mind will give you what you want but it works through the events and energies around you. Someone might bring you a bag, or you might visit a friend and then out of the blue they will have an extra bag of apples left over from the boy scout picnic. Your goals WILL manifest but you will have to know what to look for and just how to be patient. I will teach you all of this so don’t worry.

As you take more control over your power to influence the world around you, you can then change the way that things are molded (as opposed to just waiting for it to come to you). You’ve probably known someone who constantly complains about their health, and no matter what they do... they are always sick. This is a result of subtle mind power influence. Some people are the types who always look for the bad in others. Their events and experiences will tend to confirm this negativeness over and over. People will always mistreat them because their mind is so devoted to proving that “people are terrible”. I once knew someone who was always stressed out on how much household cleaning they had to do. They always said with such emotion just how burned out they were and how the cleaning is endless. If they knew a little more about the power that their mind has on their surroundings, then they might not be so eager to jump into a fit about constant cleaning. For their own powers of their mind was ensuring that there was always a mess or situations to create the constant work.

This doesn’t mean that if stray thoughts of your car going into the gutter while driving is going to make it happen. Your mind really just makes things happen when you believe and feel it to be true. Besides, most stray negative thoughts just get mixed with all the rest and loose their power quickly. If you’ve ever gotten mad at someone and wished them dead, you will notice that they didn't drop dead. There is a difference between wishing, hoping, craving and how the mind actually brings you your goals. Your mind is terribly obedient. Your mind will do what you ask (like a genie) if you ask it the correct way!

I guess when people criticize these types of concepts, the big picture that they have to deal with is just how the mind can reach out and manipulate events, people, surroundings, etc. This is a mindboggling thing to think about. Kind of like trying to understand where we all came from and how the universe was created and whom or how was it created. It is important for you to realize that if you want to be successful in harnessing your mind for seducing and arousing others, there is a portion of knowledge that you need not to worry about. That portion is the actual scientific workings of how mental energies effect physical surroundings. If scientists have a difficult time trying to prove this, it would be a waste of time trying to explain how it completely works (especially when there are so many different theories out there). I don’t want to waste too much of your time with unnecessary information. You can pursue the physics behind thought power on your own.

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© 1998 Amargi Hillier