Brain Frequencies & Brain Inducers

Your brain is like a can receive and emit electrical frequencies. Frequencies are the intervals in which electrical activity is measured and charted. The AM dial of your radio covers a certain KHz range. This is the range that the AM signal is broadcasted from a radio tower and then received by your radio antenna. The FM dial on your radio covers part of the MHz range (Mega Hertz). This is the range that the FM signal is broadcasted from a tower and then received by your radio antenna. Everything around you emits some sort of electrical interval that can be measured and charted. Everything from a hug to a lightening storm; from a laser beam to microwaved food. From colors to sound. From the rhythms of living organisms to the different layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. Researcher Dan Winter has even been able to determine the frequency of a person feeling and expressing the emotion of love. Love, has its own frequency range and geometry. Some of these frequencies can easily be measured such as x-rays and radioactive rays but things such as thought waves and emotional waves are still being researched.

Since everything is emitting frequencies of some sort, these frequencies are all around you and are even penetrating your body. From the electrical pulse of a computer to the frequency waves of a portable telephone; these unseen frequencies all pass through you. The Earth also has its own assortment of frequencies.

The ionosphere is a layer of electrically charged particles that surrounds the planet. This layer absorbs radio waves thus making it a charged layer. It extends about 80 miles from the surface of the Earth and it forms a capacitor with the earth (meaning it is able to store an electrical charge, like a battery). The great inventor, Nikola Tesla, knew all about this stuff. Everytime you plug something into an electrical outlet you are getting a piece of Tesla’s creation into your life. He also invented radar and was the true inventor of the radio (not Marconi). He was very knowledgeable about the electrical charge of the earth’s ionosphere.

With the help of a special broadcast tower containing his famous Tesla Coil, he could power all the light bulbs in an entire city from a far distance away using this “broadcasted” electrical energy. If this coil/tower setup became a fully harnessed method of extracting electrical energy from the Earth, you would need to just stick a steel pole into the ground along with a special cheap setup to power everything in your house. Doesn't matter what part of the world you live in. From the remote North Pole to the metropolis of New York. Remember, this is free-energy that the earth naturally produces in unlimited amounts (unlike oil, gas energy which depletes natural resources). For those who are interested, Tesla 'free energy system' was bumped out by the industrialists of that time. After all, how could you meter free energy. These days, we are forced to pay monthly to power things in our house... when Telsa proved free energy could be a reality for the world. Now this might seem a waste of time for you to know this but get this.....

When your body moves, those movements are transmitted to the earth's environment around you. The ionosphere layer (also called the ionospheric cavity) has a frequency of about 9.5 cps (cycles per second - was around 7.5 but now it is increasing quickly). Your body is vibrating between 6.8 to 9.5 Hz. Your skeleton and all your internal organs moves in step with each other (coherently) at around 8 - 9 cps. This simply means that your body and the ionosphere cavity around the earth are in total sync together.

You and the planet resonate with each other and share energy between each other. Just how far can you share or transfer your energy to the earth’s electromagnetic cavity? About 40,000 km, or just about the entire perimeter of the planet. In other words, the signals generated from your mind and body will travel all the way around the planet in about one seventh of a second through this ionosphere cavity. You know that the farther you get away from a radio station, the worse the reception becomes. Well, the movements of your body spreading around the planet doesn’t hardly loose its strength.

This frequency link between human bodies and the environment is why there is a relationship between solar/lunar/thunderstorm activity and human behavior changes (i.e. "moon madness"). There is even a similar relationship (if you charted it) to the change in solar (sun) radiation and stock prices. Not only do we affect our environment but the environment affects us because we both vibrate at the same frequency (7 - 9.5 cps). Or rather, a better way to put it, we and the planet are changing in frequency both the same.

When you begin to apply your mind power seduction techniques on the person you are trying to win, your thoughts are not just 'whims in the mist'; they are concrete and real and are actually having an effect in the environment (mentioned above). When you understand about the frequencies of the mind, you’ll see how other people's thoughtwaves can easily get in sync with yours. And your environment will assist in this process. As the planetary frequency increases, so too your personal frequency. Thus you will find your power to manifest will happen easier and quicker. But this is a whole other story. It has to do with the decreasing frequency of the planet and the increasing frequency... thus providing little "buffer" between this 3rd dimensional world and the higher levels. You should know that this is the perfect time in our modern planetary history to be learning to develop your mental skills.

Have you ever seen or read about those sleep research labs that hook up a person to equipment in order to measure their brainwave activity while they sleep? These EEG machines can show the researchers all types of things, such as when the person is having a nightmare or when the person is in a very deep sleep. Besides the fact the person being studied upon usually is paid for sleeping (and maybe paying their way through university) another benefit resulted from the research. It is very important to your mind power seduction techniques.

It is firmly established from extensive research that the human brain has certain frequencies depending upon what the mind is doing. EEG results show that when a person is wide awake, the frequency range of the brain/mind is 14 - 30 cps (cycles per second or hertz). This has been given the name of 'Beta'.

BETA: 14 - 30 cps - when the mind is engaged in physical activity and is alert.

ALPHA: 7 - 13 cps - like when you are day dreaming or in a meditative state.

THETA: 3.5 - 7 cps - the exact moment when you fall asleep.

DELTA: 0.5 - 3.5 cps - when you are cold out zonked (very deep sleep).

[Notice the frequency change from Theta to Alpha to Beta. See how it increases? As I said earlier, the frequency of the planet is also increasing. Could this mean the planet is starting to wake up? An interesting thought when you consider the times we are in!]

You access all of these different states throughout your full 24 hour day (unless you’re an insomniac). When you have a highly developed mind, you can access or get into any of these states at will. This is what I hope you will develop when you begin to put this book into use. These states sort of merge together so that you can have high and lows of each brain state. If your brainwaves are at 7 cps, it could be considered low alpha or very high theta. If your brainwave state is 6 cps, it could be considered very low alpha or high theta. When your brain gets into these different states, you experience things differently and your thoughts have different effects on you and your environment.

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© 1998 Amargi Hillier