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MilazzoTown finds 40 Km to the West of Messina, on the tirrenian coast. It's formed from two parts. An ancient part, or high city, on the height to culminating in the medieval castle and the old Dome. A modern part, or low city, risen on the alluvional plain to South.

Historical notices: It's the ancient mylae, founded in the 716 b.c. like colony of Zancle (current Messina), on which always depended, until in the 315 was conquered from Agatocle of Siracusa; but little time after returned under Zancle. In the 260 a.c. the first victorious naval crash of the Roman to the orders of Caio Duilio against the cartaginese fleet was carried out near its port. It was center prosper during the empire. It decayed under the Arabs, it was then reconstructed from Ruggero I, count of Sicily, in the XI sec., and acquired great strategic importance. In the 1326 Roberto, king of Naples, plundered it. Memorable I besiege of the Spanish in 1718 to the city, defended from the imperial ones and finished with the defeat of the besiegers. The 20-VII-1860 to Milazzo the borboniche troops, to the orders of the colonel Forest, was struck from the garibaldini
You can arrive at Milazzo by car with the Messina-Palermo motorway. " Milazzo Isole Eolie" exit. By train from Messina o Palermo. By plane from Reggio Calabria or Catania airport.
THE WEST COAST. There is a beautiful panoramic. You can see the Eolian Islands: Vulcano, Lipari and Stromboli are nearest. The west coast in summer is a place of bathing with its widths beach. Important bathing stablishment are found to you. With diurnal and nocturmal animation it's possible to pass unfogettable evenings dancing in river to the sea.
CAPE MILAZZO. It's a penisula that extend for 7 km in the Tirrenian Sea. There is the old town with the castle, a caratteristic church inside a rock dedicated to Saint Antonio from Padova. There are interesting paths where you can see the typical mediterranean vegetation.
MANICA PATH This path is very old, but only in 2001 summer was cleaned for a easy naturalistic walking . It's 4 Km long on the west coast in Cape Milazzo. You can see cactus, capers, olive trees and other caratteristic plants OTHER PHOTOS
THE CASTLE. It's a big medieval building (XIII century) in panoramic and strategic position . You can visit it all the year, with a guide. It's a National Monument together the ancient and enclosed Dome. In the summer season there are numerous shows, like concerts and theatrical shows. VISITING HOURS
VACCARELLA . It's a quarter on the east coast. How you can see in the photo on the left, It's a peach zone. All the mornings is possible to acquire the optimal fresc fishdirectly from the fiscermen.
GARIBALDI MARINE. It's on the east coast. In this place Giuseppe Garibaldi (1860 a.c.) defeated the spanish people with the "exspedition of 1000" . Usually many people walking in week-end beause the panoramic is beauty, and there are shows often.

VISIT THE ANTIQUARIUM-MUSEUM "DOMENICO RYOLO" (He was an archaeologist 1895-1988). It's in the "Old village" of Milazzo, near the castle. Inside this Antiquarium-Museum there are many Milazzo's archaeological remains.

CASTLE VISITING HOURS Links: Town-hall of Milazzo


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