Vasco Nasorri lives and works in the earth in which it is been born. Between hills of the Val d' Orcia and those of the Valdichiana in a laboratory that has constructed in the course of thirty years to image of its activity.

Everything which he realizes takes cue from the culture, from the traditions of these lands, therefore as the used techniques are the same ones used from the old people who lived here, and handed on until our days. Until arriving to the mainly used material, the clay, that draft from the same land of the place comes.

All it is creativity that is expressed in the respect of the culture and that to the end same culture constructs it.


Violins (Ceramic cm 70*30)

Sfinge (Bronzo cm 30)

Ulisse (Bronze cm 45)

Via Crucis, detail (Ceramic cm 80*45)








Our Lady with Jesus (gloss on copper with gold and silver cm 20*30)

The used techniques are multiple, and each of these adapted to particular figurative requirements.

The terracotta the in particular decorated ceramics and does not come used from the artist in order to realize sculptures of several dimensions, from little tens of centimeters until several meters of height.

Often the works come transformed in bronze with lost wax process, and the metal, wise dealt will be able to express various creatives meanings from those obtainable ones with the terracotta.

The marble, carved by hand with hammer and chisel, that they slowly put molding on the works in the stone that give beautiful material but inert he becomes bearer of vital beauty.


Vasco Nasorri, like every artist, prefers some languages and some techniques, but it explores constantly in the world, present and past, of the artistic techniques to the search of new ways to express its creativity.

Herma2000 (Marble cm 90)

Themes of the works of Vasco Nasorri are mainly of figurative type and to sacred subject. Is therefore the person, the human figure, in its several representations and positionings to being protagonist of the beautiful sculptures

. The human person, its mind, is the topics of the figurative search of Vasco that extracts from the materials that employ feelings, humors, feelings and vitality.