Vasco Nasorri works one immense series of various materials: from the terracotta to the marble, the bronze to the white cement.

The technique changes, but the skill, the creativity, the ability to create only works remains always the same.


In the several sections of this page we will be able to view the works grouped second the base technique and but we will be able to notice like, however, the master role is a thin search of the shape that, especially in the representations of the human figure, exceeds the simple anatomical detail and it is pushed to try drawn hidden paintings from the light that the eye watches but it does not see. Is the artist who pulls them outside and he shows them in all their beauty.

Terracotta Sculptures

Nude Woman( h cm 120)

The natural element of from Tuscany lands is that same clay that is extracted from the underground and that, after simple workings becomes the most common and ancient plastic material.

With the clay bricks are made in order to construct the houses and only, immovable but majestically vital works are modeled.


In our ancestors they have taught the technique to us in order to refine, to model, to cook the earth on which our trees sink the roots. We with our hands interpret the truth and with our same hands we carve it in the matter.



Nude Woman ( h cm 45)


Bowed girl( h cm 50)

The lucumone (h cm 170)

Val d'Orcia (h cm 70)

Woman on the chair(h cm 120)

Nude Woman (h cm 110)

Nude Woman (h cm 90)

Female figure (h cm 55)


Sitting woman (h cm 40)










Girl with hat(h cm 80)

Girl on the stone(h cn 30)


Sitting woman (h cm 65)










Bronze Sculptures

The bronze is the made element in order to exceed the centuries and the millennia. To transform a sculpture or a bas-rilief in bronze means consider it worthy to cross the times as they have made the works of the masters of the antiquity.

But the bronze, if wise worked, is able to donate to the new shapes points of light, new plasticity, in order to still exalt the plasticity of the works.


La tecnica di fusione preferita è quella "a cera persa" che, eseguita esattamente come due millenni fa, è l'unica capace di riprodurre sul metallo ogni particolare presente sul modello e renderlo molto di più di una "copia" in metallo dell'originale.


Others Materials