
  Lam Jo  

  Lam Chun Sing  

  Tai Ji Quan  




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Gran Master Lam Chun Sing
Wong Fei Hung School - Martial Arts The Wong Fei Hung School brandThe Master Lam Jo's Hung Gar brand

Kung Fu Hung Ga - Gran Master Lam Chun Singam Chun Sing is the youngest son of Grand Master Lam Jo. Born on 30th January 1952, he began his Kung Fu training in Hong Kong when he was ten years old, under the guidance of the father, who introduced him into Hung Ga system according to the traditional way.

Chun Sing remembers he practiced three hours everyday and the father was a very strict teacher. The lessons not provided for warm up neither for the repetition of basic exercises. The students started performing Hung Ga classical sets, that promote a whole physical building through their special features: Lau Ga Kyuhn, Gung Jih Fuhk Fu Kyuhn e Fu Hok Seung Yihng Kyuhn were, and are, the first steps in the training of the style.

In 1973, Chun Sing set up his own gym in Jordan (Kowloon), but soon he closed down the school before venturing into business. Later he was in charge as chief instructor of the Lam Jo Gin San Hok Yun, the Mong Kok studio established by Lam Jo.

Who has seen once Lam Chun Sing in performance can't forget it, because speed and power are blended in a kind of movement seldom founded even among the more talented masters. These are the two pillars of Hung Ga strength: speed and power must be joined and the lack of one compromises the other.

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