

L'associazione Museo Storico dell'Isola Tiberina, a non-profit organization, was founded in Rome in 1985 by Carlo Grabau and Emanuele Pantanella to aid and promote the museum of the same name instituted in the same year by the Roman City Council.The President is Carlo Caracciolo.

Fellow non-profit organizations after the Italian example were instituted in the United States and in Great Britain. The Tiber Island History Museum Association founded in Delaware has Alexandra Schlesinger as president. The Society for the Tiber Island History Museum, founded in London, has the Princess Margaret as patron.

Thanks to our collaboration and contributions we were able to secure from the Banca di Roma and the Olivetti Company, in 1994 the Roman municipality opened the museum's Documentation Center in the
Palazzo Pierleoni Caetani, the designated seat of the museum.

In support of the projected museum, besides the three associations in the private sector, an International Advisory Committee was formed with such well known authorities in studies and the arts as Giulio Carlo Argan, Meyer Shapiro, Andrč Chastel, Carlo Pietrangeli, John Pope Hennessy, Margaret Guarducci and Leo Steinberg.

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