Hung Ga Kung Fu Club
 Tai Chi Chuan Association
  Florence Italy

The Club
Head istructor Cedric Randolph
I Ching
The Tao
Kuan KungKuan Kung

Il Club


hung ga kung fu club

       yang tai chi chuan

The Hung Ga Kung Fu Club Tai Chi Chuan Association, was originally founded as the Florence Kung Fu Club in 1984 by Cedric Randolph, while studying at University here in Firenze. The association has evolved to include the study of Traditional Chinese Kung Fu of the Hung Gar Style, with Tao Yin, Yi Gin Ching and Chi Kung as supplements. Instruction is also provided in the original Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan as promoted by the ITCCA Italia.

Unlike many Martial arts centers that promote self-defense and competitive fighting, here lessons emphasize the aspect of the personal improvement of the student, over and above the aspect of self-defense. In that this may only be achieved through the rigorous, systematic and methodical basic training emphasized in the instruction of both styles of traditional Chinese martial art taught and studied by the members of this association, there is ample opportunity to also learn effective self defense technique.

It is the firm belief of the Association that only by way of the development and maintenance of good foundation practices can any traditional martial art be approached, studied, learned and eventually mastered. Energy enhancing exercises are also critical in the development of the capability of the students to store and refine the energy (Chi) generated during their practice. An understanding and use of Chi generation, refinement, storage and application allows the students to eventually be able to successfully utilize the martial techniques that they may learn both in self defense as well as in their daily lives. In addition, the systematic and methodical study of correct internal energy practice provides a foundation for the acquisition and maintenance of a high level of physical and mental health.

It is well known that all spiritual practices and development rely on some type of energy enhancement. Practitioners in the monasteries of the Hindu, the Catholic, the Moslem or the Hebrew traditions all have some sort of esoteric energy enhancement methods. The spiritual traditions of most native peoples from Africa to the Americas, the Polar Regions to Australia have all developed some form of energy enhancement facilitating the enlightenment of their holy men and the consequent physical and spiritual harmonization of their peoples with their environment. Therefore, as the followers, both lay and clerical, of the past and present day Chinese temples of martial and spiritual arts, such as Shao Lin and Wu Dang, have maintained throughout history, the ultimate goal of all of the work done here is not fighting or self-defense but self-development and spiritual cultivation. The ability to protect oneself is inherent in the study but should not be viewed as the final objective. Such an objective could be seen as shallow and petty in comparison with the acquisition of peace and harmony in one’s life and the development of wisdom in ones expression, through the liberation and unification of one’s body, mind and spirit. This is the true goal of martial practice here at the Hung Ga Kung Fu Club Tai Chi Chuan Association.
Just as in all organized activities there are those who participate for any number of reasons. Only a few find the inspiration and dedication to reach for the highest levels. Yet, even though for those few these high levels of achievement are the ultimate destination there are also any number of stopping places along the path where students can find within themselves that they have developed a sense of confidence and serenity. Through better physical health, greater awareness, deeper harmony or simply the stimulation of participating socially in interesting and challenging activities as offered by this association, most students find just what they need here. As the provider of such a service, the Hung Ga Kung Fu Club Tai Chi Chuan Association feels that it is a great privilege to be a source for the growth and development of people’s moral character and physical well being, therefore contributing to the overall improvement of the community.
last update: feb 12 - 2004