Hung Ga Kung Fu Club
 Tai Chi Chuan Association
  Florence Italy

The Club
Head istructor Cedric Randolph
I Ching
The Tao
Kuan KungKuan Kung

Head Istructor

Sifu Cedric Randolph
Sifu Cedric Randolph
Sifu Richard J. Cunningham
Sifu Richard J. Cunningham

Founder and head instructor of the Hung Ga Kung Fu Club Tai Chi Chuan Association, Cedric Randolph, was born and raised in Southern California, in the Los Angeles area. There, in 1974, he began his study of Hung Gar Kung-Fu with Sifu Richard J. Cunningham. In 1984 at the behest of Sifu Cunningham, he began teaching Kung-Fu in Firenze. Over the years he has maintained his association small and concentrated upon the teaching of the one style: Hung Gar Kung Fu . During that time, opportunities to encounter and study with several other teachers, with the desire to deepen his understanding of the Chinese Martial Art and its associated disciplines, were taken. In 1999 he began teaching the Original Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, first under the supervisoion of the head instructor of the ITCCA Italia, Carlo Lopez. He has since become a student of Master Chu King Hung, disciple of the late Master Yang Sau Chung and an officially recognized ITCCA instructor. Mr. Randolph is also a Foreign Language Lecturer of English at the Università degli Studi di Firenze.
last update: feb 12 - 2004