
Versione italiana

Version française




The harbour

From the harbour are organised departures by ferryboats to places like "Cala Liberoto" and "Le grotte del Bue Marino" (the caves of the marine beef), reachable only by sea. This area is also provided of a large pavement for a safe walk and many benches.

That’s not all; the big harbour starting from the main street is also used as the place for artistic and folk plays as well as various exhibitions…



Embarking (1)

Embarking (2)

Embarking (3)

Towards southern beach


External harbour

Exit harbour

Interal harbour

Whole view

 Green space harbour (1)








 Green space harbour (2)




Website created and produced by Pino Carboni

Ttranslations by Pino Carboni and Gisella Carboni


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All Rights Reserved.

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