Sea stories > EdeS

Eleonora de Sabata, a journalist and underwater photographer specialized in the marine field, is dedicated to the research and preservation of the seas, with a particular attention to the Mediterranean. Through exploration and research she produces - or is a consultant in the production of - articles, books, documentary films and lectures. Her aim is to increase public awareness on the sea and promote scientific research on marine life.


Over 500 reportages, stories and pictures published on:
-- General interest media: National Geographic Magazine, Il Venerdì di Repubblica (ITA) The Regent Magazine (HONG KONG)
- Travel: Gulliver, Panorama Travel, Viaggi di Repubblica, Week-end e Viaggi, Viaggiare (ITA)
- Nature: Airone (ITA), Audobon Society Magazine (USA), Terre Sauvage (FRA) Marevivo
- Nautical: Nautica, Pesca in Mare, Pesca e Nautica, Fisherman & Diporto, Il Gommone, Il Giornale della Vela (ITA), Nautica GRE
- Underwater: il Subacqueo, Aqua, Mondo Sommerso, Sub, Scuba Magazine (ITA), Le Monde de la Mer, Mer&Océan (FRA), Sport Diver (UK), Sport Diving (AUS), Arabia's Underwater (UAE)


- Pictures in a children's book published by the National Geographic Society, 2001
- Pictures in "Wild Oceans", National Geographic Society book, 2000
- Cuba sections in "The best dive sites in the world", Edizioni Whitestar, 2000
- Pics in "Perle di Sicilia", Edizioni Affinità Elettive, 1998
- Text in "Cuba handbook", Footprint Handbooks, 1998
- Author , " Il giro del mondo in 100 immersioni", Editrice Portoria, 1997
- Text and pictures in "Mediterranean and Atlantic Fish Guide", Ikan, 1997
- Author, " Il manuale del viaggiatore subacqueo", Editrice Portoria, 1996
- Cuba section in "Guida alle Immersioni nei Caraibi", Whitestar, 1996
- Pictures in "Mar Rosso, Paradiso Sommerso", Whitestar, 1995
- Text and pictures in "Cosa c'è sott'acqua ai Tropici", Editrice Portoria, 1996
- Pictures in "Cosa c'è sott'acqua in Mediterraneo", Editrice Portoria, 1996
- Text and pictures in "Le migliori immersioni del Mediterraneo", Editrice Portoria, 1996


- Canale 5 - Mediaset, interview by 'Lo Stivale delle Meraviglie' on Marine Parks in Sardinia, 2002
- Discovery Channel/Gedeon Programmes - research and consultant on the documentary Prowling sharks in the Mediterranean , 2000-2001
- RAI3, Italian National TV - video consultant on sea-relatd topics for Geo&Geo, a daily nature programme, 2001-2002
- RAI1, Italian National TV - interviewed by "Linea Blu" on sharks in the Mediterranean Sea, 2000
- BBC - consultant for the TV and radio program "The Animal Zone" on sharks in the Mediterranean Sea, 1999.
- RAI1, Italian National TV - interviewed by" Linea Blu" on Gerardia savaglia, the Mediterranean black coral, 1998

Enviromental Education

- Liceo Mamiani, Roma, lecture on sharks in the Mediterranean, 2003
- 'Conoscere il mare' lectures for several elementary schools in Sardinia, 2002
- 'Conoscere il mare', courses for children aged 6-10, Portorotondo, 2002
- 'Passaporto per il Mediterraneo' lectures on the Mediterranean underwater environment, Portorotondo 2002
- 'Red Sea reefs and fishes' environmental lectures on board scuba diving cruise boats
- Milan Aquarium, conference on the seas of the world, 1998

- Member of the Organizing Committee of the 7th EEA (European Elasmobranch Association) Scientific Meeting, 2003
- 'The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus in Turkish waters', 6th European Elasmobranch Assotiation meeting in Cardiff, 2002.
- Concept and launch as of 1998 "Mediterranean Observatory ", a shark-sighting campaign in the Med
- Member of SIBM, Italian Society of Marine Biology.
- Posters on Alicia mirabilis and Gerardia savaglia in 1991 SIBM congress.
- Photos on permanent display at the Roman Zoological Museum and Monterey Bay Aquarium


Mares: diving equipment, since 1990. (chi non conosce il coreano può guardare la figura!!)
Isotecnic: underwater strobes and lights
Equipe Sub Service: UW phott&video equipment ripair

Eleonora de Sabata
via Ruggero Fauro 82, 00197 Roma, Italy
agenzia fotografica: Seapics di Doug Perrine.

 - for divers / kids
 - research activities
- medit. observatory
 - shark bay
 - spinner dolphins
 - EEA congress
 - sea stories - archive
 - sea news - archive
 - diving around the world
  - mediterranea