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It's extendes from the sea and the slopes of the Peloritani mounts. I was reconstructed, with antiseismic modern criteria, after the earthquake of 1908, that destroyed it nearly completely.

Cenni storici Risen in the cent. VIII by sicilian people, It was called Zancle. From then always increasing cause had importance its geographic position. The migrations of the Messeni changed it in the V cent. in Messana. It was destroyed in the 396 b.c. in order to have participated, ally of Siracusa, to the war against cartagine in the 406. After the increase of the Roman age there was, with the Bizantini, the forfeiture
DOME. It's of medieval origin (cent. XII) There is a beautiful clock unique in the world. It puts various figures in animation in the facade of campaniele hight 60 mt. At 12:00 o' clock, you can listen the song of the rooster.
PORT of Messina with the characteristic "Letter Our Lady" that seems to watch the transit of the numerous ferries that transport people and cars day and night between Messina and Villa S. Giovanni.
LA SPADARA, it's a characteristic boat equipped for the fish sword. In the photo you can see the tree with in top a cage for the lookout-post and the long prow device.
TORREFARO AND THE SMALL LAKES OF GANZIRRI. To east of Peloro Cape they are the point with minimal distance (3150 mt.) from the coast calabra, of all the strait. Interesting to visit, in these lakes some people fosters the mussel.
FOUNTAIN OF NEPTUNE ( 1557 ) It was made by G. A. Montorsoli
REGIONAL MUSEUM. It rices in "Viale della Libertą", n° 465 (Tel. 090-361292). The museum esposes beyond 200 works long an obbliged and organized tour in chronological order; century XII-XVIII. The most important are: 10 works of Caravaggio, others of Antonello da Messina, precious silver, sacred mangers and vestments. To the end of the tour one monumental carriage, of the old messina senate. It's made with incaved wood and gold.


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