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It rices in province of Messina from which is 50 km distant to south. You can arrive in Taormina easy with the freeway A-18 ME-CT. The ancient Tauromenion rices on a terrace to height 200 mt. and dominates to all the coast and the city below GIARDINI NAXOS. Both of greek origin, today offer one richiest tourist equipment in a charming scene.

History: The sicilian Tauromenion was in relation with the near Greek city of Naxos, and after the destruction of this in the 403 b.c., it was occupied from Dionigi of Siracusa in the 392. In the 358 b.c. Andromaco, father of the Timeo historian, received you the refugee of Naxos, and founded the Greek city, and in the 345 Timoleone received corinzio. Subject to Agatocle, the Cartaginesi, Tindarione and then to Gerone II of Siracusa, to the dead women of these ally city was considered from the Roman. Reduced to colony Roman bizantina was considered for some vital time of the Sicily. Taormina was occupied and destroyed in the 902 from Ibrahim ibn Ahmed, and then reconstructed for order of the califo to the Muezz from which taken the name of Almoezia. Occupied from Ruggero d' Altavilla, in the 1079, it began a period of prosperity rivaling with Messina. In the civil war, contented between the king and the Chiaramonte, it joined to the war of the Vespro and supported the Aragoneses. In 1410 the parliament gathered sicialian for the election of the king. Remained faithful to Spain during the revolt of Messina of the 1675, it was occupied from the French for some time, then from filippo V.
ISOLABELLA is a characteristic island on the coast near Cape Taormina. It's a protected oasis of WWF . In front of the island there is a a beach where you can go by a long staircase.
MAZZARO' is a bathing place to north of Giardini Naxos.
GREEK-ROMAN THEATRE (II sec. a.c.) with on the background the Etna volcano. In ideal position to admire the wonderful panorama of all the coast. You can visit it in the morning and in the summery season carries out the famous review "Taormina Art" Official site
Links: official site: taormina art
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