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Città della FEDE - città del VATICANO , un immenso complesssso formatosi attraverso i secoli e dal 1377 divenuto residenza dei Papi.  Niccolò V° ampliò l'antico nucleo primitivo (1450); Sisto IV° costruì la Cappella Sistina (1473); Alessandro VI° l'appartamento Borgia; Giulio II°  fece eseguire al Bramante il cortile del belvedere; Leone X° costruì le Logge di Raffaello: Paolo III° si servì di A. da Sangallo il G. per la Cappella Paolina e la sala Regia; Sisto V° fece innalzare da Fontana la parte che affaccia su piazza San Pietro e la Biblioteca; Urbano VIII° iniziò la Scala Regia per opera del Bernini. Infine, Clemente XIV° trasformò il palazzo di Innocenzo VIII° in Museo e Gregorio XIV° fondò i Musei Egizio ed Etrusco.



The first St. Peter's Basilica was ordered built by the emperor Constantine in the 4th century a.D.on the site of the Apostle's tomb. Begun in 315 and completed in 349, the basilica was a splendid building with five naves, rich with mosaics, frescoes and work's of art. In the 15th century, after over a thousand years, it had fallen into such precarious conditions that in 1452 Pope Nicholas V decided to have it rebuilt, though work was not begun until 1506 with Pope Julius II.  The task was assigned to Bramante, who created a design in the form of a Greek cross. A few years later Bramante died and leadership of the work was taken over by Giuliano da Sangallo, Raffaello, B. Peruzzi, and Michelangelo in 1546, who returned to the original design by Bramante and conceived a building in the form of a Greek cross dominated by an enormous cupola.  Upon his death (1564) the work was carried on by Vignola, Pirro Ligorio and, for the cupola, by Giacomo della Porta.  Following the desire of Pope Paul V , Carlo Maderno later changed the Greek cross form into a Latin cross, extending the front arm by adding three more chapels, and built the facade. On the 18th of november 1626 Pope Urban III consecrated the new basilica.





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