The typical cookery of Capri


Capri entrusts its kitchen-ranges to a simple tasted and ancient rooted cooking since long time. There were first testimonies of an organized civilization in the island in the VIII sec. b.C. when Greeks arrived to Italy and brought in Capri wine, olive growing that were the most profitables products. Today the Capri’s economy is founded on turism cleanly, while in the past the insulars were hunters, fishers or rustics mostly and they hadn’t big powers so they overworked that they produced theirself. In conseguence of this their alimentary practices were founded on soil, hunt, fishing products exclusively. Infact the courses based on fish surpass that based on meat because the sea offers a rich variety of fish, as tunny fishes, kind of garfishes, red breams, moraies, squids, anchovies, etc...
The hunt was less rich of species but was fruitful equally. Infact there were many quails mostly, also other birds of passage that in the spring and in the autumn arrived on the island, tired for the long migratory trip. Some of that were bridled to big catches of hunters, while the others that went go out again to reach the ground, hadn’t rescue to hunter’s small shots or to their dog’s fangs.
The ground generous of fruit trees, mostly citrus fruits, fig-trees and peach-trees, now is cultivated to terraces because it has a form not much almost level. There are many garden products but the pulses detach by their quantitaty: beans, peas, vetchlings, haricot beans, pottages and lupins. Since 1820, with a favour of sir Giuseppe Feola, the potatos cultivation was introducted and develops.
In the last centuries the Capri cookery was influenced by near places as Amalfi, Sorrento, Napoli.
In particulary Sorrento exports to Capri milk-productes from Lattari mounts near Vico Equense and also oil from its hills. Between most important typical recipes of Sorrento, introduced in the Capri cookery, there is that of “cannelloni“, which Sorrento was inventor in the 800, and also the “gnocchi” cooked in the oven with its famous cheese made from buffalo’s milk, the “gnocchi alla sorrentina”.
We sad about simple cookery but this don’t meen is easily realizable. Infact if a rich of ingredients portion founds on abundance its result, a poor recipe founds on the choise and on the proportion of the ingredients, also on the time and on the way of cooking, because here every element is indispensable.
In the cookery of Campania for example, the “pasta” has to drain underdone rigorously, and the difference between a greavy and the famous “ragł” is the long cooking (at least 5 hours), at temperature to hardly simmer.
And what we say about a freshness of a fish that is ruined by disproporzionate use of spices?
In the end, don’t leave to condition by simple recipes because your palate will judge!




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